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Her bright eyes held much curiosity as she read her next patient's file. Kaycee had been sitting at the steel table for nearly 30 minutes, gently bouncing her leg in nerves. This was her first time aiding a client outside her office, let alone being in a federal prison.

That's right. You heard correctly. Kaycee was recently assigned to assist detectives in the search of suspects for a heist that was currently taking place. Hostages were being held for 5, now going on 6, days. Kaycee didn't understand how she would be helping them, but all she knew was that her skills would be put to the test.

She couldn't just turn down the offer. She was helping the government, so it was good money. It would be used to help pay off the mortgage of her home, groceries for her children, and other expenses life threw her way.

Kaycee jumped in her seat as her fragile ears heard the door unlock and shackles scraping the floor. In walked a man with a tall, yet lean stature. His jaw was clenched as were his fists as the guard guided him to the chair in front of the frantic woman.

Kaycee's eyes never left the inmate they brought in; matter of fact, she began to read him. She couldn't help it, it was her job after all. As he sat down, he let out a heavy sigh, slouching in the chair and spreading his legs.

"Behave, Lew. Miss, a few guards and I will be right outside the door if you need us. Take your time." The guard said with a small smile before making her way to the door.

"Before you go, can you uncuff him?" The woman asked after taking a deep breath. Not allowing for the guard's confusion to settle in, Kaycee spoke up again. "I like for my clients to be as comfortable as they please. I think we can agree that Mr. Lew is already being punished enough. So yes, please take off his cuffs—that is, if it's not against any policies." She smiled, no longer feeling nervous.

An amused scoff left the inmate's mouth, his eyes remaining on the woman seated across from him. "No, not at all, um, if you insist." She smiled awkwardly. The inmate raised his restrained hands to the guard, allowing her to unlock them without taking his eyes off Kaycee.

Once he was released, Sean rubbed his bruised wrists gently. "I'll leave you to it then." The guard chirped, letting herself out.

"Hi. I'm Dr.-" Kaycee started, but was cut off as the man across from her reached for her bottle of water. "Look, lovely, I'm not good with many formalities. Names are one of 'em." The jailbird murmured before opening the bottle of water then taking a waterfall from it.

"Okay, that's fine. I'm assuming you would like to be called Sean, then?" The inmate nodded along, satisfying the therapist. "Great. In that case, I'm Kaycee. We'll be meeting every week to talk."

Sean leaned his head into his palms as Kaycee went into detail about the topics they'd discuss. He wasn't listening, but that didn't stop him from examining her appearance. She had her petite figure complimented by a white blouse with a brown button up vest over it, along with black corduroy pants and black Doc Martens smooth platform Chelsea boots. Her nails were groomed, but not to perfection, which Sean found himself admiring.

Her curly hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with two curly strands hanging in her face. It was as if time stood still while she elaborated, occasionally looking up at him before averting her gaze back to the paper.

"Sean? Are you-"

"I like the way you say my name." Sean admitted with a blank look in his eyes. Kaycee froze in shock, but quickly forced herself to recover. He began to smirk as the color in Kaycee's cheeks deepened at his statement, looking off to the side.

"Rolls off the tongue easily, that's all anyway. Let's move on. What exactly are you doing to keep your sanity in here?" The woman asked, ignoring his hungry stare. Sean took another waterfall from the bottle before answering.

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