Live A Little

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Sean's POV

"I told you, Jules! Girls like her and guys like me don't mix!" I exclaimed while getting books out of my locker. It felt like my bed was just calling my name for the entire day at school and finally, I'd be able to lie in it.

"But she asked you to attend her party. Her birthday party, might I add!" He countered. I'm thankful he's my best friend but sometimes- correction, majority of the times, he's the devil on my shoulder and a lingering pain in my-

"Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you guys!" My other best friend Tate ran up to us exhausted and heavy breathing. It was easy to tell she'd been running around due to her breathing and blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Why, what's wrong?" Julian asked, stepping closer to her. Tate's face turned as red as a tomato at their proximity. It was no secret that they had a thing for each other. The way they constantly argued like a married couple but were still the firsts to hold each other up at the bad times was impeccable.

"I-" She cleared her throat uncomfortably. "I wanted you guys to read the poem that I'm entering into the contest. Tell me if it's good?" Tate asked with hopeful eyes. Julian lit up at her request and immediately snagged the paper from her, eyes beginning an eager scan.

I stood there, letting my eyes wander the nearly vacant halls until a girl caught my attention. From a distant glance, I could see her natural glow. Her hair fell down her back in long brown waves, bouncing with every step as she walked with confidence and substance. Like she owned it.

The girl's clothing was baggy with a loose black graphic tee, orange sweatpants, a beanie, and some combat boots. However, the people that followed her were the opposite. They were the same girls that came up to Julian and I earlier. They wore skirts or skinny jeans that fit their body and a mix of crop tops or dresses.

Once I went back to her, our eyes locked instantly but I looked away quickly as Julian got my attention. "Sean, are you going to read it?" He asked, gesturing to the paper.

"I'll send you a copy. My mom's outside waiting. Bye, guys!" Tate said, reading her phone before looking up at us. We gave her a quick farewell then watched as she bolted to the exit.

"Ready to go?" Julian asked, playing with the car keys in his pocket. I nodded then went alongside him to the exit.

I only made it 4 minutes into the car ride before Julian started talking about the party again. I ignored his absurd statements out of annoyance. He spoke about what if I was going to lose my virginity tonight or drink for the first time or meet my potential girlfriend. All types of stupid expectations.

Once we got to my house, we laid around for a couple hours before realizing it was time to go to the party. Nervous was an understatement to how I was feeling. I was more terrified if anything. This experience could go south fast. What if I drugged? What if I accidentally fall off a roof? What if I get pushed off a roof? What if-

"Sean, stop freaking out! I can see it in your eyes." Julian groaned before grabbing my shoulders. "You are going to let loose and for once, just try to enjoy your high school experience. These are years you're never going to get back. Live a little bit."

"Besides, I'm going to be right there with you. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He reassured me. I gave him a thankful smile then proceeded to look for something to wear. After 10 minutes, I decided to wear a blue shirt, a black zip up jacket over it, black sweatpants with my regular Nike shoes.

We left the house soon then went to the address the girls gave us earlier. When we pulled up, our ears were instantly filled with blasting music and the shouts of intoxicated teenagers.

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