𝟗𝟏| "You reap what you sow"

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As the sun ascended into sky, hardly visible through the myriad of grey, snow clouds, news of the Daimyo's death spread like wildfire across the Village, striking terror into the hearts of the civilians.

The moment the guards flocked into the Kage's chambers, it was decided that the news would be withheld from the public to prevent adding more fuel to the fire and create progressive outbursts of hysteria. Shimogakure was on the verge of collapse, the young leader inexperienced and the village itself infiltrated from within. It was only a matter of time until other countries would start to notice this weakness and use it to their advantage or attempt to conquer and civilise the land themselves. To most, it would be likely that Kumogakure would stake its claim on Shimo as the two nations were partnered in allegiance, Dawn knew better than that.

Which was why it didn't take long for her to leak the news of the Daimyo's death as well an exaggerated (or, in her case, precise) description of his remains and conspiracies regarding the identity of his killer. It was an easy way of creating panic, desperate matters led to desperate measures.

Maybe it made her a hypocrite, to pretend to care about the lives of innocent people to justify the Daimyo's murder when her future actions would inevitably lead to further destruction of an entirety as a whole.

Dawn did care, that was true, she didn't particularly like the Daimyo but he was necessary for the survival of people. Simply having hope did a lot to keep the framework from collapsing until it was fortified with new, strong defences. It meant people had a future to look forward to, a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Without light, guidance would be difficult to attain and becoming lost was susceptible to those who were unable to light their own torches.

That's what it means to survive in a world abandoned by the sun.

She paused, her eyes refusing to leave her hands. Just not that long ago they were the same hands that tore the Daimyo to pieces and ripped him to shreds, she basked in her enjoyment and relished the sight of blood. The adrenaline was now gone, the shadows no longer distorting her senses and clouding her mind— but the thought haunted her, that despite the thick fog, she was aware of what she was doing, it wasn't Sora, it was all her.

"Are you sure just marching into enemy territory is the right thing to do?" Kiba asked, watching warily as Sakura shoved her equipment and belongings into her satchels in a rush.

"What other option do we have?" Sakura scoffed, securing the protective gauntlets around her wrists. "The Daimyo's dead— Naruto's gone! One of our own is gone, he was taken right under our noses while we were sitting on our asses doing absolutely nothing."

"But it doesn't mean we should go on full-on panic mode and act on impulse!" Kiba tried to reason, aware that she was a current, ticking time bomb.

"Kiba's right." Ino added as she approached Sakura cautiously. "Naruto's your bestfriend and teammate, I get that, but if we all go and rush in it'll leave Benjiro and this Village defenceless. We're meant to protect him as much as we're meant to protect the hostages."

"Ino-" Sakura sighed, covering her face with her hands. "I understand, I truly do understand, but this is Naruto we're talking about. Before he's our teammate, he's a Jinchuriki and the fourth Hokage's son! Just having him in their control does enough damage as it is. Yes, we protect Shimo, rescue the Kumo nin and civilians— but... if by doing so means that Naruto is suffering then..."

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