𝟓𝟔| Selflessness

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"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that is wants to live humbly for one."
— Wilhelm Stekel

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"Aha! I told you I'd find you!"

I gave Ichiro an unimpressed look, annoyance brewing within me at the shit-eating grin on his lips and the relaxed look on his face. I had been waiting for two hours wondering how he could be late to a time he set up, with now cold tea resting idly behind a sleeping Jiro. Though, I could tell he was awake as his ear twitched upon the arrival of the dumbass as well as his stupid cat.

"It takes two hours to find me?" I gritted, my eyes fixating to a glare as I pushed myself up from the ground and crossed my arms.

Ichiro sweat dropped as Kuro leaped off his shoulders and silently crept towards Jiro. "Yes... I, well you see, I adore beauty sleep-"

"And clearly, it doesn't do much for you." I retorted. "Why make me wait at an early time and brew tea- which, by the way- is cold now, if you're only going to sleep in?"

"Because," Ichiro lifted his finger, regaining his composure as he placed his hand behind his back. "It is apart of my first rule in learning Kenjutsu; patience and trust. You trusted that I'd make it here and you've waited patiently, well, kind of. Well done on passing your first test!" He clapped his hands together giddily.

His childish behaviour elicited a loud sigh from me. It made me wonder if I truly was wasting my time weighing my chances with this fool where I could've found some books to learn new techniques from. I was very much aware that I was in need of a teacher to be able to learn to the best of my abilities and hone my skills to it's full potential, trusting Ichiro was one of the most risky decisions I've ever made. This facade of his could be a decoy and he could be waiting to kill me or attack me any second. When you trust in blind, it's only common knowledge you have your other senses ready to be your eyes.

"I'm not going to humour you any more." I announced sternly, my eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you're playing at, but I'm serious and I've wasted enough time as it is. I don't trust you nor do I have any reason to, if you're going to waste my time then you should get going."

Something different flashed in his eyes, it was one of the very few times I was able to actually see his eyes rather than seeing the shadow casted by that straw hat of his. He appeared melancholic, but determined. I didn't know what triggered those emotions, however the light-hearted aura he had dissipated into a new resolve.

"I'm sorry." Ichiro said, smiling slightly as he brushed his hands against his green haori before pushing his hat down again to conceal his eyes. "You're right, let's get started. I'm glad you have brewed the tea successfully, I didn't have any doubts that you wouldn't succeed. Whether it'd be hot or cold, temperature is irrelevant. This tea is otherwise known as ginseng."

"Ginseng has relaxation properties." I noted. "It strengthens the muscles, but it loosens the energy throughout the body, enabling a smooth flow of chakra. Why did you make me brew the tea?"

"You are correct." Ichiro nodded, his mouth curling up in amusement as if he had just remembered a joke. "And to answer your question, I am a sensory Ninja. And a trait of mine is being able to detect abnormalities in energy flow and yours seems to be a network of knots and loose strings."

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