𝟑𝟕| Sacrifice

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"Self-sacrifice...A nameless shinobi who protects peace within its shadow... That is a true shinobi..."
— Itachi Uchiha

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Shisui watched as Itachi's body racked heavily with strained coughs, his body hunched over as his hands smothered his mouth.

When he was first medically diagnosed with a respiratory illness that, not only, severely deteriorated his health but also placed tight limitations on his abilities, Shisui was the first to find out. Similarly he was also the first to find out when Itachi had unlocked his Mangekyou Sharingan, or when their mother had announced that she was going to have a boy, or when Itachi had been appointed Anbu captain, or when he was nominated, according to his prodigious eminence, to be the one to proceed with the termination of the Uchiha Clan if Shisui hadn't been successful in using his Kotoamatsukami to manipulate the ethos of his Clan's figureheads.

One word he'd use to describe that fateful night would be: chaotic.

Chaos disguised itself in the form of a chain of unfortunate events, somehow preventing the bullets from reaching any vitals, which ensured the lives of the Uchiha clan members remained unscathed. Shisui was almost certain that he was destined to die that night by the hands of Danzo Shimura, a despicable man who monitored his exploitation through unscrupulous, dirty work that was frowned upon by many claiming that he had acted upon the benefit of the Leaf in mind. Danzo was relentless in dismissing his suggestions and even went to far extents, as to attempt to steal his eye therein postponing Shisui's original plan, so that he could get his way. And it just so happened that before it could occur, he was saved and Danzo had fled like the coward he was.

The identity of his saviour remained unknown, but what was known was that after that night things had never been the same for him since. That a burden, greater than the one that had been placed on him before, was awaiting his arrival. That him, the man who compelled minds and was capable of transporting his body in a flicker, was bestowed with powers known to be that of a Fate Wheel.

"Hey there, buddy." Shisui approached Itachi, his voice intertwined with the worry he felt as he rubbed Itachi's back. "That's kind of gross you know." He joked, grimacing as his coughs brazened and harshened, a metallic substance staining his shaky fingers.

"Oh, I know." Itachi croaked, closing his eyes as he waited for his lungs to loosen the tension it held around his throat.

"Have you been taking your medicine?" Shisui interrogated, his instincts hitching in as he directed Itachi onto a chair, ensuring he cleaned himself with a damp towel.

"Yeah." Itachi sighed, his eyebrow furrowing at the sight of his blood. "They lowered the dosage of pharmaceuticals because I haven't had any fits as of lately. But it seems like I have to go back to the amount I was taking before since, for some reason, it has worsened."

Shisui narrowed his eyes. "Don't give me that bullshit!" He accused, jabbing his finger towards his best friend's direction. "You keep overworking yourself adding onto the stress of everything else. I thought I told you to not worry you damn weasel!"

"I have postponed my duties." Itachi muttered begrudgingly. "So what did you want to talk about?"

The older Uchiha released a sigh. At times he felt guilty for burdening Itachi with all of his problems, knowing that he was going to prod the information out of him one way or another, the weasel had a way of using his omniscience to his advantage. It also happened to be that he was the first person to have noticed his strange behaviour after the first time he relapsed, the experience was incredibly strange. He had been floating in a white abyss and all of a sudden, a strange extensive voice strung out a bunch of words that appeared to be incredibly nonsensical and downright bullshit. That was until he had somehow managed to see into a stranger's future, finding out later on that she had gotten into an accident that he had foreseen.

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