𝟒𝟕| The First Match

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"True friends are those who came into your life, saw the most negative part of you, but are not ready to leave you, no matter how contagious you are to them."
—Michael Bassey Johnson

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My hands gripped the railings in anticipation for the fight that was about to commence, I had full faith that Sasuke was going to win the match as he had every reason to. Taking into consideration that his cousin and his older brother were watching him from the stands as everyone else was, it'd only motivate him to succeed as well as inducing some of his dramatic theatrics. He was always one to show off after all.

Though, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Scratch that, I felt very nervous, and worried, worried that he might overdo himself and ignore the mark on his neck just to ensure that he made it to the finals.

"A little birdie told me that you are being quite the stubborn one."

I looked at Kei, finding myself giving her a sheepish glance as I noticed the pointed look on her face and the hands on her hips. She looked far from impressed as she stared at my leg in incredulity.

"It's just a little scratch." I shrugged off.

"That's-" She pointed at my leg. "a scratch? It makes me wonder what you call a graze! Do you have any other injuries? Why didn't you drop out? Are you feeling well? What else happened? Are you hungry? Do you need to rest for a bit?-"

My cheeks warmed at her questions. Whilst others would find it annoying, I never had someone constantly caring for my well-being in a long time and Kei had been the one to make sure I was okay. She always did ever since she found me and brought me back to the Village, she even ensured that I wouldn't be bombarded with questions or interrogated in fear of me being a threat. There wasn't anything threatening about an injured eight year old who was close to death, perhaps most were alarmed by Jiro's appearance. It didn't take long till the attention settled down and I finally had a stable place to stay, at least for the time being.

"The poor girl just finished the second exam." Kakashi chuckled, placing his hand on my head. I looked at him, a small scowl on my face. Must he always do that? "But do inform me as to how you managed to break a leg and why you're standing on it?" His face switched to a stern expression.

I blinked, overwhelmed by their concern. Gulping, I fiddled with my fingers. "I just got tossed in the air and landed awkwardly, it's- it's nothing to worry about. And it... uh, it doesn't hurt that much."

"It's broken." Kakashi deadpanned. "I'm sure it hurts."

It evidently does, I was trying my hardest to support my weight on my other leg to lessen the tension and the strain, but it was clear that I shouldn't be walking around without crutches and a proper cast so that it could heal properly. Over the years of constant training and pushing my body past it's limits, I wasn't unfamiliar to injuries and I had already been accustomed to pain as that had been the only thing I felt over the years. The feeling had been engraved into my mind, yet it felt entirely different each time I sustained a wound, what did change was the way I coped and remained calm. Panicking would make things worse if I didn't have a rational mindset, anxiety would always turn the tables against you.

And I learned that the hard way.

"I'm fine." I mumbled, frustrated that I allowed my thoughts to dampen my excitement for Sasuke's battle.

"Hey Dawn!"

Unexpectedly, Shisui sauntered towards me with a boyish grin on his face and Itachi on his tail. I stiffened, the same instinctual feeling raising the hairs on the back of my neck and smothered my arms with goosebumps as though the temperatures suddenly plummeted. I wouldn't say I was uncomfortable around him- well, actually I would say that. Not only did he make me feel off, his loud voice caught a lot of attention. Attention and I wasn't a compatible combination.

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