𝟑𝟒| Chunin Exams

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"Another secret of the universe: Sometimes pain was like a storm that came out of nowhere. The clearest summer could end in a downpour. Could end in lightning and thunder."
—Benjamin Alire Sáenz

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Father used to tell me stories about the sacred temple of our mountains.

That not only had it been constructed by the very first person to have entered the Lands, but it harboured a glorious statue; one that I haven't particularly seen with my own eyes as I wasn't of age to commence with junior training, but I did have a vague idea as to what it looked like. It was rumoured that the rich soils and blossoming trees were guarded by a wolf spirit, or rather the statue hosted as a vessel for the spirit that we worshipped and succoured to the duties that we were meant to fulfil. If it was tampered or angered in any way it's wrath will flood in like the fury of a thousand storms and the seas will no longer stir at ease unless it was conquered by man itself.

The concept of man being able to control something that was said to be uncontrollable was ridiculed by those who were unfamiliar with the ways of my Clan as well as the role we were bestowed with. The naive remained sceptical whilst the greedy were punished in many ways deemed deserving of the likes of someone who wanted something they couldn't have.

Naruto spoke of a storm that were destroying farmlands and forcing people to flee their homes, it was one reason why I was swarmed with guilt but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. I wasn't taught anything about the origin and the true extent of our power, but it shocked me knowing that even after years it still continued to grow stronger; stronger than I'd last seen it. If I was successful in my revenge, my next goal would've been to inherit the legacy of my family and hope that it'd somewhat lift the burden of guilt off my chest. However, the guilt of abandoning my home and my name continued to linger and reprimand me for being a coward that lived in constant fear.

Are you truly your father's daughter? The voice whispered deridingly into my ears. At this point, you don't even deserve to inherit their legacy. A coward like you is unworthy of such power.

"Hey, guys!" Naruto greeted, excitedly bouncing on his heels as Sakura, Jiro and I approached the two who were waiting for our arrival.

The Chunin Exams was the next step on my journey and I was glad that I wasn't doing this alone. The company of my teammates undoubtedly managed to ease my worries, because I would be more focused on protecting them than myself. It was the only way I could postpone my fears by ensuring that if I was fighting for the lives of others and not myself, at least then if I were to die I could die knowing that I was the one who died this time and not the people I cared about.

"Hey." Sakura greeted back, her voice wavering as she forced a smile on her lips.

I instantly knew what was wrong with her, not only did I have the ability to read people like an open book, I knew Sakura and her tendency to doubt her abilities. She was hesitant, contemplating if she had what it took to keep up with her teammates because her eyes said enough. And from what she told Kakashi, she hated being underestimated. If Sakura wanted to truly become stronger, then she'd have to realise that comparing herself to others wasn't what was going to make her stronger, but the will itself to have what it took to sacrifice anything to achieve her goal.

Sakura had a dream, but she had yet to discover it. Perhaps if I push her in the right direction, it'll help her. Besides, that's what friends do, right?

"You ready to take the exams?" Sasuke asked, walking besides me as we made our way to the academy.

I glanced at him, before shrugging. "I guess."

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