𝟑𝟗| Forest of Death

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"I'd give you my trust, can you give me your word?"
— Fragile, Kygo ft Labrinth

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"You're about to find out why it's called the 'forest of death'." Anko Mitarashi, the proctor of the second exam, grinned sadistically.

"Maybe because death happens in the forest?" Dawn muttered sarcastically. Sasuke sent her an amused glance.

"Really?" He snorted. "Never would've guessed."

"It looks very... deathly." Sakura speculated, staring at the large, harrowing gates with a less-than-impressed expression on her face.

Sasuke shared a smirk with Dawn as they both said in sync. "Because it's the forest of death."

"Funny." Sakura deadpanned, he caught her staring at him for a split-second before she glanced at Dawn. She smirked and looked away.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes. Why did she give that look?

They had managed to pass the first exam with flying colours, the Uchiha didn't have much difficulty in discovering the main objective of the exam which encouraged cheating nor did he have trouble in ensuring he didn't get caught using his Sharingan. In a way, he was more concerned about his teammates, which was a bit of a shocker seeing as when they first were put on a team together Sasuke wanted absolutely nothing to do with them but to get stronger and surpass his brother. Granted, his goal hasn't changed the slightest, but it didn't mean he couldn't allow himself to let loose once in a while. Especially considering he found that he rather enjoyed their company.

He suppressed a sigh as he stared at the bandages around his wrists and adjusted the one around his neck, the healing wounds were begin to itch and become irritated but he couldn't let something that he gave him alter his performance. There was no way he was going to give his father the satisfaction of ruining his chance of becoming a Chunin. He was stronger than that. He wasn't weak. And he was certainly not a puppet at his father's disposal, to allow himself to pitifully be controlled.

"Are you... okay?" Dawn asked hesitantly, Sasuke glanced at her, finding that he was staring at her eyes for too long.

Have they always been this blue? As soon as the question appeared, his cheeks flushed as he ripped his eyes away from the girl.

Sasuke wasn't aware of what was happening to him lately. All he knew was that he wanted nothing but to beat him brother and prove everyone wrong, and then he found himself enjoying the company of his teammates, but the strange thing was that he accepted help from someone who he thought he hated- but hate was far from what he felt about Dawn. This feeling almost scared him, anyone would be apprehended by the sight of the unfamiliar when they've been accustomed to a routine their whole life.

"I'm- I'm fine." Sasuke mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

Dawn cocked her head to the side, before she raised her lips jokingly. "I guess the whole 'death' part of the forest it catching up to you."

"I'm not scared." Sasuke scoffed.

"I'm not saying you are." She said quietly, staring at the floor. "But there's nothing wrong with being scared either."

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