𝟏𝟗| Wisteria

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"She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like when you're swimming and you want to put your feet down on something solid, but the water's deeper than you think and there's nothing there"
— Julia Gregson

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"Is something bothering you?"

Dawn's heart skipped a beat, as she swiftly glanced at the Uchiha who appeared to be bored out of his mind and unaware of her accusing stare. She should've known she couldn't trust someone like him, though she didn't know why she had kept her hopes up. Of course he would be the first to blabber about how she was a complete, unstable mess, it was in his nature to prod his nose into her business and make a fool out of her. He didn't care about her and she didn't care about him. Simple as.

Then why did he help you calm down? For all you know he could've left you to suffer.

That was the key question that spiralled in her mind, even she couldn't come up with a feasible excuse and it was all that was on her mind. Why did he help her?

"Pardon?" She said in confusion.

Kakashi nonchalantly flipped to the next page of his book. "Oh, it's just that you've been unusually quiet is all."

So he stuck to his word.

She didn't know whether to be thankful or sceptical. Was he planning on blackmailing her with it later or was this sudden act of kindness genuine? Dawn hated when people had something that could be held against her, but everything has been against her all her life so it wasn't like it was anything new. She had calmed down considerably since her little break down and trained the rest of the night away, her bruised knuckles evidence of her persistence in trying to not think of anything that could stress her out even more.

"It's not like she has anything interesting to say." Sasuke remarked snidely, with his arms crossed.

"Or maybe it's because I don't want to waste my words on you." She shot back in rebuttal.

Amidst the hectic mission, she felt like something has shifted. As if the tide had retreated, yet a tsunami hasn't caused any destruction. Everything about this mission has changed something. Her blanking was no longer a one time thing, but she didn't know exactly what she was seeing. She had hurt Jiro and haven't seen him since, but she could feel him close by as though he was sending waves of Chakra to assure her that he was here. Kakashi had confused her greatly through his unexplainable attitude towards her. Sakura didn't ignore her like she usually did when they first became teammates. And she found herself disliking her teammates a little less, to the point where she didn't mind having them around.

One thing that hasn't changed was her relationship with Sasuke. He had gotten back to his ways of clawing his way beneath her skin and in a way, she was glad that he didn't change after seeing something he shouldn't have witnessed. It made her view on him falter, by a very miniature fraction.

She also felt like there was something that they were missing in this mission. Yahiko's sudden disappearance and the stone didn't add up. Gato was rich, surely he wouldn't go to such far extents just for a stone, right? But she couldn't say that for certain, she knew well enough about greed and the want for things that you don't necessarily need. Greed was an evil form of corruption and has changed people to beings that would resort to blood and violence to have a head worth millions on a silver platter.

It also occurred to her that Zabuza was holding back during his fight with Kakashi, she couldn't exactly analyse the fight between her teammates and the Mist Ninja, but he had dropped subtle hints towards his reluctance in resorting to violence.

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