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Hoseok was sitting in his cabin, it was his first day at this hospital. He never practised in a hospital other than the infirmary in the Kims mansion. Lets say he was not comfortable on mingling with the society like he used to after Minho left him. But now, after lots of inspiration from Jimin he came out from his cocoon and applied to this hospital and ofcourse he got it. He was checking some records when the nurse came rushing to him and said there was an emergency casualty who got shot and needed urgent surgery. Hoseok rushed after the nurse taking his stethoscope . 

He rushed to the casualty to find a person laying in the bed, blood was all over his white shirt. He went nearer to see the patient clearly , when he saw his eyes widened, his breath hitched and tears started forming in his eyes. It was none other than Minho who got shot. He collected himself and went near minho to check his pulse, thank god it was okay. He shoved of all the guard and assistants of Minho who came carrying their boss and transferred him to the operation theatre. 

Hoseok was not a surgeon so his friend had did the operation in his presence, throughout the process, he was praying for him to be okay. No matter how much he hated the said person, he couldn't see him hurt like this, he has seen many patients, some rescued some died. But never he felt this heart wrenching like how he felt  while witnessing Minho like that. Afterall all of us know how it feels like when someone dear to us gets hurt. 

After a couple of hours, the surgeon completed the surgery and successfully removed the bullet. Hoseok went to his friend and asked "H-how i-is h-he Jae"?, Jae the surgeon who did the operation replied with a satisfactory smile "He is now okay hoseok, the bullet didn't penetrate much through his abdomen, he is now under observation. After 24 hours it will be alright". Hoseok let out a sigh of relief. Jae curiously asked his friend who was tensed all this time "Hoseok, how do you know Jeon Minho, you seem so tensed all this time". Hoseok cleared his throat thinking for an answer, he couldn't just say "oh he is my ex, but I love him", so he replied shortly "He is someone I know" and went away from the room.

Outside the operation theatre , Nick, Minho's PA , Jaekyung and all his guards were standing. He went to them and informed he was okay and need rest. Jaekyung thanked him a lot for saving his dearest friend's life , but hoseok shrugged it with a smile and went to his room. He just want a cup of coffee and some minutes of sitting alone to clear the image of Minho all wounded and full of blood. 


Jungkook came back to home,giggling,squealing and all blushing because he could spend time with his special person. He came and saw no one in the house except some maids and the usual guards. He thought his brother was having some works so he shrugged it off and went to take a shower. But somewhere he felt his heart clenching and some kind of uncomfortableness. He was calling his hyung but his phone was not picking up . He was very worried by now. After some time he saw Nick coming towards him running and sweating . He rushed to Nick and asked scared "Nick hyung where is Minho hyugie?, I am trying to call him but he isn't picking up". 

Nick took a deep breath before saying "Jungkookah whatever I am gonna say you have to stay strong okay. It's Minho sir got s-shot w-while he was coming out of the office. He is now in xxx hispital and operated. Doctor told he was now okay but needs rest. ". When Nick finished Jungkook had tears in his eyes. He hiccuped and muttered a small okay and went with Nick rushing to the car. He wants to stay strong for his hyung but he just couldn't . The single thought of Minho leaving him in this bleak world scared him to death.

Both of them reached the hospital and jungkook went to the room where Minho was in. But the doctor didn't allow him to see the patient. Jungkook saw his hyung in the hospital bed unconscious through the glass door of the room. But he want to see him so badly. He cried and begged the nurses standing there to open the door. They too felt pity but were helpless. Jaekyung couldn't stand this and went to hug jungkook and comfort him rubbing his back. Jungkook sobbed hard and asked jaekyung hiccuping "Jaekyung H-hyung please tell them to open the door. I w-want to see my hyungiee". 

Jaekyung couldn't do anything and tried to calm him down. He knew the depth of the bond between these two. It was then hoseok came there to check on Minho when he saw the commotion there. He saw a boy crying in Jaekyung's arms. He called Nick and asked him in small voice "who is that boy, he is crying so much."? Nick told him it was Jungkook Minho's younger brother.

Hoseok was very surprised. He always wanted to see the person whom Minho love and care for a lot other than him. Maybe more than him. Minho always used to talk about Jungkook a lot with Hoseok, about how his younger brother was a bratty cutie but very innocent. As fresh as in hoseok's memory, among Minho's talks the majority was always about Jungkook and only Jungkook. He wanted to visit the Jungoo of the love of his life but not like this.

Hoseok came towards Jungkook who was still in Jaekyung's arms and patted the boy's shoulder. Indeed Minho's younger brother was beautiful not just beautiful but VERY . Even while crying. Jungkook looked up with teary eyes. That hurt hsoeok so much. He smiled a little and asked gently "Do you want to see your hyungie?". Jungkook was very surprised , he immediately nodded and wiped his tears. Hoseok gently held Jungkook's hand and moved to the room and gestured the nurses that he was with him. They nodded and allowed to get in.

Both of them reached near Minho's bed and Jungkook was more sobbing. Tears flowing down through his rosy cheeks. He went to hold Minho but hoseok stopped him and told gently "you cannot touch him okay, He will get hurt. It['s okay Jungkookah your hyung wants you to be happy right? So stop crying. He will be okay after some time and then you can meet him okay. Let him sleep hmm?". Jungkook nodded sniffing cutely and wiped his tears his body leaning on hoseok. 

Hope you all enjoyed it and thank youuuuu for 5.3K reads. When I wrote this book first time I didn't knew I would get this much reads, comments or votes. I will surely try to keep up my best and will write good. Thankyouu all who votes and comments this,. Love yalll sm ..


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