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Brielle Hart

Brielle Hart

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3 years

It's been 3, long years since I've seen the handsome bastard.

We had sex in a supply closet, he thanked me, then left. Not left the closet, not left the school but he left the country.

I found out from a rumour. Which wasn't a rumour in the end.

Apparently he joined the army, then flew to a country in the middle of nowhere.

I didn't even know he was interested in joining the army.

In fact, I barely knew anything about him.

And now he's coming back. Great. Just great. But I'm not going to worry about it, I'll just ignore him, pretend he's not there and get on with my life.

He won't even take over a single thought of mine. All memories of him have been grouped together and pushed to the back of my brain.

It's Monday morning, I'm eating a bowl of cheerios whilst scrolling through twitter. A knock on the door causes me to drop my spoon in the pool of milk and walk over, unlocking it.

"Hello?" I question, I look up to be met with a familiar pair of baby-blues and a blonde head of hair.

"Hey bitch." Cas smirks, pulling me into a bro hug. But I'm definitely not his bro, or is ho. I'm his friend I guess.

Over the last couple of years, me and Dionne grew close with Cas and Joey. They're actually really funny guys. Joeys got a dark humour, along with dead-pan humour, he's also very quick-witted. Whereas Cas' jokes are terrible, but he's funny in his own way.

Oh and did I mention I'm dating Bernie. I didn't? Must have slipped my mind.

After the auction, we went on our date at a cinema. We talked, hooked up a few times then voila! Here we are, all loved up. Bernie's a cool chick, she's hot and has the biggest ass I've ever set eyes on. She's also got the biggest tits.

We don't just hook up though, we do couple things I guess. We cuddle and go on dates, we hold hands in the corridors and give each other heart eyes. But she doesn't make me giddy.

I've never really accepted this but, she doesn't make me stutter and suddenly end up all shy. A part of me screams, your only with her because she's easy and practical. But for the 1 year we've been together, I ignore those thoughts. I'm happy, that's what counts. Not the little things and plus, the good outweighs the bad.

I open the door more, revealing Joey "Hey doofus." He smirks lopsidedly.

I wave at the both of them, I gesture for them to come inside. They walk in, Cas' hands in his pockets and Joey has his in his hoodie.

"So.." Joey trails off, he looks awkward, like he's trying to come up with a sentence that makes sense.

"Yes." I sigh. I know exactly what they're talking about, Will. I told them what happened 1 month into our friendship, they said he was a dick but they still love him. He's a loveable dick were Cas' words.

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