Take A Shot At It!

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(Y/n's P.O.V.)

  I sat on the porch drinking Green Tea. I told Akane last week I liked Ryoga. I really did, actually. He was shy, yet funny at times. He didn't know left from right, however. He knew what to do when someone was in trouble. Thats what I liked about him. I haven't seen him at school. I sipped my tea when I suddenly heard a loud crash. I saw Ryoga land face first on the grass in the garden. I spit out my tea in shock. I put my cup down and ran over to him. "Are you ok?" I said helping him up. He had dirt all over his face. I laughed. "What?" He said and dusted himself off. "Nothing", I said and sat back down on the porch. I grabbed my cup and drank some more tea while Ryoga cleaned himself up. He came back out and sat next to me.

  "So...", He said. I looked at him. He blushed and looked away. Ranma came running down the hall. "Akane' s gonna kill me!" He screamed and I saw Akane running after him. "You ruined the moment!!" Ryoga yelled at Ranma. "Sorry!" He quickly said. I laughed. "What 'moment'?" I asked and Ryoga' s face went a dark red. "Ummmmm n-nothing!" He said. I shook my head. I knew he was hiding something, but..... what?

  I stood up and placed my cup in the kitchen. I went to the dojo only to see Ranma in a headlock from Akane. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. "A little help (y/n)?!" Ranma yelled at me, his face turning purple. I sighed and kicked Akane off him. She yelled but shook it off. "You're a great fighter", she said and kicked Ranma in the gut and walked out. I sweat-dropped. Kasumi walked in. "(Y/n), there is a package in the kitchen for you", Kasumi said and walked out. I ran into the kitchen and opened the mail. Inside was a flower, and it was (f/c). It smell good and there was a card along with it:

Dear (y/n),

I've only met you for a few weeks, but I realized that I have large feelings for you. I didn't think I would fall for you, but I did. I don't know if you'd except me to be perfect, even though I'm not, but I want you to know that I like you.


Secret Person

  The letter was in cursive and it looked like familiar hand writing. I couldn't put my finger on who had this kind of writing. Kasumi put the flower in a jar and looked at it. "This is a Petucala flower. It's special because it grows anywhere, anytime, anyplace. It can be watered with anything, and produces air like trees. It also comes in any color, such as (f/c)", Kasumi said. "How much does one usually cost?" Akane asked. "60 dollars for one flower, 600 for a dozen", Kasumi answered. Ranma' s mouth dropped to the floor. 'Who has that kind of money?!' I thought to myself. But the card looked so, familiar. I decided to write down all the boys I knew.





  Those were the only names I could think of. I handed the piece of paper to Akane. "These are the only boys my age I know", I said. Akane studied them and Ranma leaned over her to look at the paper. Ryoga came in and sat down with us and looked at the table. "Well. Let's see. Mousse is in love with Shampoo and Ranma doesn't have enough money and he loves food more than anything. So Ryoga and Kuno are left", She said and crossed out Ranma and Mousse' s names. She handed me the slip of paper and I put it in my pocket. I saw Ranma sneak a glance at Ryoga. I wondered what then we're up to.

  The next day when Akane, Ranma and I were walked into our class, Kuno appeared in front of us. "(Y/n), (l/n). I give up. It seems that someone gave you a Petucala flower and letter yesterday and I knew I could not top that", Kuno said. "Holy shit I'm glad you didn't send it to her!" Akane said and I laughed. Kuno walked away and I took out my letter I got from the "Secret Person". I re-read it and put it back in my pocket. "Well, that's it?! No, 'OMG it's him?!' Wow. You're bad at this game!" Ranma said and Ryoga slapped him. "S-s-s-shut the hell up!" He said and whacked Ranma in the head with his parasol. I raised an eyebrow at them. "Ahem", Akane said and I looked around. All 500 kids who went to the school were staring at us. Ryoga was blushing madly while Ranma was looked around and was in a headlock from Ryoga. Akane coughed and Ryoga looked at me. I swore he could see my soul. He let go of Ranma and turned to me. "(Y/n), I need to tell you-" he started but was cut off by the bell. Everyone ran to their classes and Akane dragged me to ours. Ryoga as left in the middle of  hall with nothing but a sad face.

(Ryoga' s P.O.V. later that day when they got home)

  I heard Akane and Ranma burst through the door and into the kitchen. I didn't want to go down and was on the roof. I couldn't tell her how I felt. The bell ran interrupting my moment. I was left in the dust with a broken heart. "Ryoga!!" Ranma yelled looking for me. "Roof", I said and he jumped onto it. His face was full of sweat and his clothes were torn. "Thugs got her", he said and that's when I realized that (y/n) didn't come with them. "We barely got away", he said. My eyes widened. I jumped over the rooftops and called her name. I didn't want to lose her. Not today!

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