Discovering The True Story Line (FINAL CHAPTER)

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"(Y/N)!! How've ya been?" Koga asked when I called him. "Koga! Do you have any ansesters that were in a love triangle?!" I said. "Well...I was in a love triangle once. Then, one day my wife left me and then I was transported to Tokyo to live in despair for the rest of my life. I've been 17 for a while. Over 500 years", He answered. "AND YOU HIT ON 16 YEAR OLDS?!" I pratically screamed into the phone. "Anyways, why you asking?" he asked. "No reason!" I said and slammed the phone down. Millions of questions flowed through my head. How is he 517 years old and still alive? I held my head running my fingers through my hair. That meant that Koga loved my great great great great great great great great great grandma!! That also meant that he's gross. So, if Hideo's family has lived in the same village for over 500 years, his ancestors were friends of my ancestors. I my vision blurred and I blacked out, collapsing on the floor.

When I woke up, I was in my bed. Akane, Ranma and Ryoga were all sitting near me. I sat up. "Why did you faint?" Akane asked. I told them everthing I had found out. "Woah, Woah, Woah. WOAH! You talked to Koga?!" Ryoga said. "Only to prove my thought!" I said and finished my story. "Wow", Ranma said. "Yeah", Akane said. "That makes Koga a perve!!" Ranma said and him and Ryoga started laughing. "Really...", I said. Ranma was pratically rolling on the floor like a toddler. I rolled my eyes. "So, should I tell Hideo?" Akane asked. "Yeah", I said. She walked out, dragging Ranma who was in tears because he laughed his butt off. "So, what are you gonna do?" Ryoga asked. "Well. First, I'm going to go talk to Koga. And you're coming with me", I said. Ryoga sighed. "FIne", He said.

I walked around the town with Ryoga, looking for Koga. "Wait", Ryoga said pausing. I heard a death cry and ran into an alley where it was coming from. On the floor was a cut up Koga and another person next to him, covered in blood. "Who are you!" Ryoga yelled. "Me?" the person asked, stepping out of the shadows so we could see him. My eyes widdened. "Erai!" I said. He evily smiled. "You get Koga out of here. I'm going to beat the crap outta him ok?" Ryoga whispered and I nodded. Ryoga threw his parasol at Erai. "Koga, can you stand?" I asked. "Yeah", He said. I grabbed his arm and we ran out of the alleyway. Ryoga came out and ran with us, I half dragging Koga back to the house. Erai was on our tail. Ryoga jumped up and threw his parasol back at my brother. He fell down and we heard a cat scream.

We came in and locked the sliding doors and i dragged Koga to the same room Hideo was in. "I'll go grab the first aid", Kasumi said. I walked out of the room and washed the blood from my hands. "I told Hideo", Akane said. I nodded and dried my hands. Akane told Koga everything we knew about this. "Can you tell us all about what happened 500 years ago?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh boy. Story time..", Ranma said. Kasumi wrapped his arm and Akane sat next to me and Ryoga was leaning against the door. Hideo was sitting up in his bed. Koga started his story:

"It all started one day. I had my wolves go hunt down someone that took something of mine. They found him and I killed him after retreving the object. Soon after that, a man by the name of Inuyasha had slaughtered more than half of my wolves. I sparred with him until we had to retreat. The youg girl named Kagome sensed the object called a Sacred Jewel in my arm and legs. I decided to defeat our enemies, the birds of paradise, we needed her to tell us where the bird hid his shard of the jewel. We kidnapped her and she lead us to battle. Soon after the jewel was restored, I said good bye to that mutt and Kagome. I married a young girl about 14 years old named Ayame. One day, I was whisped away and sent to Tokyo. I haven't been back and the only way back is through a well. That well in in Japan and I can't find it. I've looked everywhere exept Tokyo. That's why I raided the school, and have been more of a gang these past years."

After Koga finished, everyone looked at each other. "We need to find out as much as possible!" Ranma said. Akane nodded. "Thanks Koga", I said. "No problem", he said. Kasumi had just wrapped up his arm. "So, what if I told you that my anestor was this "Kagome" and I'm her great great great great great great great great great granddaughter?" I said. His eyes widdened. Ryoga fell over. "Well!" Kasumi said. Something started to glow. It was the faintest, but it was fairly...close. "Guys", I said. "What's wrong?!" Ryoga paniced. I smiled. "Lets go!" I said. "Wait!!" Akane said. "I'd say we all go as a group. Ranma, Ryoga, you, Koga and I", Akane said. "Sure. Why not!!" Ranma said. "Koga, can you stand?" Kasumi asked. He nodded. "How do your injuries head so fast?!" Ranma asked. "I might have left out that I'm a demon..", Koga said scratching his head. Akane facepalmed. "Pack up everyone. Were going to find the well", I said.

After we all had packed up, Hideo came out. "I'm coming with", he said. I nodded. We all walked out of the house. We started our way to the north part of Tokyo. Once we reached there, the aura I sensed grew stronger. We came upon a shrine and old house. A woman and a son were sitting on a porch. "Excuse me, may we look around?" I asked. The woman nodded. Something twinkled from inside a small shrine house. I slid the doors open. Inside was a well and it was glowing pink. "Well, we found it", I said. "I'd say we go in it", I said. Everyone nodded. "Here we go!" I yelled, jumping in. Once everyone was inside, we floated and soon a field came in view. We all landed at the bottom of the well. "My life just flashed before my eyes", Ranma said.

We climbed out, one by one. "You look....different", Ryoga said. I looked down. I had on a school uniform from the 90's. I looked at Hideo. He had on a ninja outfit, not very different from the one back in our world. "Where...are we?" Ryoga said.


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