The Ghost Cat, Shirokuno, and The Discovery Of The Century

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(Your P.O.V.)

  I whisked together the eggs, milk, and bisquik. I poured the mix into a pan and waited. Kasumi was making eggs and bacon. I was making pancakes. I heard a bang, then a crash then a scream. I ran out of the kitchen and ran to the screaming. It was coming from the dojo. I opened the doors and saw Ranma sucking his thumb, on the floor, rolling around like a baby. Akane came in. "What happened??" she asked and Ranma stood up, still shaking. "There was.....and a.....and then.....", he stuttered. "SPILL WOMAN!!" Akane shouted. "He's back!!" Ranma said and ran out of the dojo. Akane ran after him. "I wonder what he means", I said and picked up the things Ranma had all over the floor. "Probably a cat", Ryoga said behind me. "A cat?" I asked. I laughed. "What?!" I said in between laughs. "Yup. Long story", Genma (Ranma's father) said and swept the floor.

  "Ok then..", I said. I heard a small noise from outside. I ran out of the dojo and out the front door. On the porch stood a dog. He was half very dark brown and half white. He had a letter in his mouth. Ranma came around the corner. "Hey, I remember you!! Long time no see!!" Ranma happiliy said. The dog barked happiliy. Akane came around the corner. "Oh I remember you!!" Akane said and pet his head. "Whose the letter for?" Ranma asked, Akane crouching down beside him. "Ruff!!" The dog barked and nuzzled me. "For me?" I asked and it barked and nodded. I grabbed the letter and read the address. The top said my name and the house's address. I opened it and read it:

  Dear (Y/N),

I hope you get this as soon as I write it. I found this dog and told him to send it to you. I wanted to tell you that I will never stop loving you. The first time I saw you, I thought, "Wow, she's cute!" I then pursued in finding out more about you. I then found the resident that you were staying at and wrote you this. See you!!

  I stared at the letter, confusion swept over me. Akane read it over my shoulder. There wasn't a single name on it exept mine. The dog waddled inside and sat down on the 'Welcome!' mat. I sighed. I couldn't guess who it was. "Hey!! It's you!!" Ryoga said and pet the dog. "He's my dog, I adopted him a while back and he followed me everywhere, until he went back to his village to train with his friends", Ryoga explained. "Hey!! Come back here!!" Someone yelled outside. "It's Koga!" Ranma said. The dog growled. A young boy in a ninja suit passed by and was being chased by Koga. The ninja boy came in and hid in a tree. Koga looked around Ryoga threw his parasol at Koga and he ran away. The ninja boy jumped down and walked to us. "Glad you got my letter", He said. "Who are you?!" Akane asked. "My name is Hideo", the boy said. His eyes were a solid brown color, filled with no life. Akane noticed this. "You seem suspicious", Ranma said. Ranma hit the boy. He shook and then the boy fell down. Out came a white thing, kind of like a soul. "OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!" Ranma said and backed off. The soul made a sound and then turned into a cat with a bell collar. "Myew!!" The cat bellowed. "Myi!! I'm here for you!!" The cat yelled. Ranma screamed and ran away. The cat grabbed Akane and hugged her. "Hey!! Let me go!" Akane said. The cat cackled. "Mew!! You're coming with miy!!" the cat said and disappeared. I walked to the closet door and opened it. 

  Ranma was in the corner in a ball. I heard a groan outside. I looked back and the ninja boy was walking around. "W...where am I?" he asked. "You're in Disneyland. WHERE DO YOU THINK?!" Ranma said and grabbed the boy by the neck. "Where's Akane??" Ranma asked through clenched teeth. "Ranma, you're gonna kill him!" I said and pried his hands off the boy. "I was at my village and was about to release Shirokuro to his owner when I was attacked and hypnotised by that cat. And now I'm here", He said. "So you're name is really Hideo?" Ryoga asked. He nodded. "Checkers, nice to see ya again", Ryoga said, rubbing the dog's ears. The dog pounced on Ryoga. He laughed and the dog happily barked. I laughed. "I'm going to go and find Akane, and you're coming with me", Ranma said and dragged Hideo behind him. "Why don't we put something on him so that we don't lose him again?" I asked. Checkers nodded and licked Ryoga's face. I looked around but couldn't find anything that says, "This is my dog". An idea hit me. I walked behind Ryoga and untied his bandana from his head. I tied it around the dog's ankle. Ryoga pulled another out of his pocket and tied it around his head. 

  "Well, welcome back, Shirokuro!!" Ryoga said and hugged the dog. I laughed. I started to walk up the stairs and he followed. "Where you going?" Ryoga asked. "I have to call someone", I said and I opened my door. Checkers sat on the floor and I sat in my chair near my desk. I dialed a number. "Hello?" the person asked. "May I speak with Rei? It's me, (Y/N)", I said and it was silent on the other end. "(Y/N)!! How've ya been?!" Rei, my cousin asked. "Good." 


"Yeah. I've been kicked out by Erai a while ago and live with some friends I met in Tokyo"

"He's not getting a present for Christmas."

"Ha ha."

"Well, I got to go! See ya soon?"

"Sure! Bye!"

  She hung up. I set my phone down. Checkers nuzzled my leg. I hugged him. 

~(Later that week...)~

  Ranma burst through the door. I walked out of the kitchen to see Akane with bruises all over her and Ranma. "We barely got away!" Akane choked out. I helped Akane up to her room and dragged Ranma to his. I put a wet cloth on Akane's head. "What happened?" I asked. "They...took Hideo...and nearly killed him. He's....near death...", Akane slowly said. "We lost him near the egde of town. He couldn't run anymore", she said. I nodded. "RYOGA!!" I yelled. He came dashing in the room. "I didn't do it!" he said. "Kepp an eye on Ranma. I'll ask Kasumi to watch Akane", I said. He nodded. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. "Kasumi? Can you watch Akane?" I asked. "Sure!" she said and she walked upstairs. I put on my shoes and darted to the edge of town. I saw Hideo running around like a maniac. I grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the house. 

  "Where do you come from?" I asked as he laid down in the spare bedroom (Yes, their house is huge!!). "A small village near the edge of Japan. My mother, father, and sister live there. We have for many many years. My familys' been there for over 500 years", he answered. I nodded. "Do you have a last name so I can tell them you're ok?" I asked. The boy shook his head. He didn't have a last name?'d think everyone has one. "Well, how old are you?" "14." 

  "Maybe you're parents have last names?" I asked. "No. No one in my family has ever mentioned one. My ancestors might have had one..", he said. I nodded and left the room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. The poor guy. He's been through a lot. I went downstairs and sat down. He had ancestors, but knew little about them. I knew mine quite well. Well, I know that I'm fully human, unlike Ranma, who's more of a 3/4 moron and 1/4 human. I've had random blood tests before, because my brother thought I was mental. But I have heard about a legend that had to do with 5 people and I think it was a little intresting too. It was also a love triangle between two men and a girl. Both were unordinary men. That's when it hit me. I dashed to the phone downstairs and grabbed a recent letter I had reiceved. I put in the number and called the person.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello again! How am I doing so far? Leave a note or two in the comments to spoofen up my story a bit. Who is Hideo's ancestor's? Leave a guess down in the comments as well. See you all soon!! :3) - Emma

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