Ranma, You Dumb Idiot! She Ran Away!

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  I woke up to the sound of birds again. This time, I opened the window and climbed on the roof. I saw a bird that flew by was chirping. I ran and jumped off the roof and grabbed onto it. It didn't hesitate, it only circled around and dropped me off near the roof again. I climbed into the room again and dusted myself off.
  I heard a scream then ran downstairs. Kasumi had dropped something near the table and Ranma had screamed like a girl when it hit him. I rolled my eyes. "What? Ain't ya ever screamed?" Ranma asked. "Oh thats right, you haven't! Because your a wimp!" Ranma yelled. I widened my eyes. Akane came in. "Why does everyone like you! You are perfect! You get everyone's attention! I never get a chance on anything! I hate you!" Ranma screamed. A tear rolled down my face and I turned to run. I ran past Ryoga. I made my way to my room. I wrote a small note on a binder paper. I let the tears rush out as I wrote it. I heard footsteps near my door. I locked it and put a chair near it. "(Name)! Please open the door!" Akane said from the other side of the door. "(Name), please I wanna help you!" Ryoga pleaded. I didn't say anything. I silently opened the window and went on the rooftop. I ran on the rooftops and soon reached the end of town. I turned back for one last glance at Tokyo. I ran into the woods and kept running.

  (Ryoga's P.O.V.)

  I kicked down the door, breaking the door and a chair. There was a note on the desk and the door was open. Ranma came up and into the room. "Good, she's gone", He said. Akane punched him in the gut really hard. She kicked him down the stairs. I choked back tears. "Ranma, you DUMBASS! THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" I yelled and ran down the stairs. I kicked him in the groin and threw him out of the house. He landed outside on the front lawn. I packed my usually brown bag and hooked my parasol on the back of it. I ran out and grabbed Ranma. "If you want to live to see the next day, you'll stay the hell away from me", I said and Ranma nodded. I dropped him and started running to the woods. I saw trees. I had a feeling she'd be there. I looked behind me and saw the city grow distant. 

  I stopped to catch my breath. I had been running for 8 hours. It was soon dark. It was hard to run that long with only a few breaks to eat and rest. I saw smoke rise and realized that the trees were on fire. I grabbed my bag and jumped deeper into the woods to avoid it. I was jumping when I looked down and saw (Y/N). I jumped down and ran after her. She stopped to catch her breath. "(Y/N)? Why did you run away?" I asked coughing. The fire licked the trees above us. "Because Ranma had just outburst. And its true", she said. "I've become soeone I am. And its thanks to him!" She said and started walking away. A burning tree came falling near her. "(Y/N)!!" I yelled. I pushed her out of the way and crushed myself. "Ryoga!" she faintly shouted. Her voice grew more distant as I blacked out.

(Your P.O.V.)

  I felt tears roll down my face. I pulled him out from under the tree. I limped with him on my back. I couldn't find my way back. "(Y/N)!!" Kasumi yelled as she spotted me. She looked at my back and saw Ryoga. "Oh my", Akane said and came out from the bushes. "This is all my fault!! I shouldn't have ran away!! He would have never gotten hurt!" I said. 

  When we got back, they put Ryoga in his bed. I sat next to him. "I'm sorry", a beat up Ranma came in and said. I didn't answer. "If you ever want to be forgiven, leave me alone for a bit", I said. Ranma nodded and walked back out. I felt a tear roll down my face again. I was so upset. If Ranma hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have run away and Ryoga wouldn't have saved me. I got up and shut the door and put my head on the bed and sat in my chair. I cried myself to sleep.

  When I woke up, the sun beamed into the room. Ryoga was still asleep. His face was bruised and he had scratches all over his arms and face. I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face. I went back into his room. The sun was up fully at this time. Something on the desk caught my eyes. I walked over and saw Ryoga had song lyrics everywhere. I saw a note on one of them. It was by someone named "Emma Hamato". I looked her up on my phone. She was a singer, actress, and dancer. She has four older brothers and a father, no mother. She's been in a few plays and movies as well. 

  I set the music down. There was stuff from the radio on there too. My favorite songs and different categories; different time signatures and beats. I smiled. He also had drawings of me and the things around him. I laughed. He was better than I thought. I loved them all. I saw the last drawing of him and I. I was leaning on a tree and he had his head in my lap; both of us smiling. I smiled. "I knew you'd like those", someone said. I looked and saw Ryoga had awaken. I ran over to him and hugged him. "I'm glad you're ok!!" I said and felt hot tears escape my face once again. He chuckled and hugged me back. I felt him gently grab my face. "Please, don't cry", he said. I nodded and he smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes. Someone knocked on the door. Ryoga pulled away. I sat down on my chair and he sat on the edge of the bed. "Come in", I said. "This came in the mail for you, (Y/N)", Kasumi said. She handed me the package and walked out. There wasn't an address, only my name and the Tendo house address. I opened it. Inside was a small letter and had a word on it in a different language. I opened it and read the note out loud:

Dear (Y/N),

I hope you realize that i love you way more than that scump. I never have loved anyone more than you. Not even those brats named Kagome and Ayame. I love you way more! That friend of yours will die. So that you can only love me. 

- Kouga

  I re-read the letter a few times. I threw it away. "If he does attack me, I'll beat the crap out of that ass!" Ryoga said. "He did say love a whole lot", I said. Akane and Ranma came in. Ryoga glared at Ranma. I smiled at Akane. "Thanks for finding me", I said. She only nodded. "Ranma, you owe me 100,000 yen", Ryoga said and glancd at me. "W-What do you mean!" He said. "YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM!" I said. "SAME WITH ME!!" I added. Akane slapped Ranma across the face and kicked him out of the room. "I'll make him work somewhere", Akane said and left the room. Ryoga hugged me. "I'm sorry", I said.

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