We Wanna See The Second Romance!

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(Reader's P.O.V.)

  I woke up to the sound of birds tweeting. "Shut up!!" I yelled and threw one of the two pillows at the window. I put the other on top of my head. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I got my pillow and dragged it to the door. I opened the door. There stood a very happy Kasumi. "Come down, quickly!!" She whispered and dragged me downstairs. Ryoga was near the sliding door to the dining area. Kasumi put her finger to her mouth, hushing the both of us. I heard voices on the other side of the door. Akane and Ranma were talking. Genma, Ranma' s father, (in his panda form), held up a sign that said, 'Do you think they'll do something good?' I nodded. We all listened in on the conversation.

  "I'm sorry I held you close during the gang thing", Ranma said. "Its ok", Akane said. "I have to admit, we make a fine team", he said. "True. Ranma, I like you a lot. More than like, I guess. How about you?" Akane said. Nabiki came up to us and listened as well. Soun, Akane' s dad, came as well. "I don't like you Akane", Ranma said. "Oh", Akane said. Ryoga had to hold be back from breaking down the door and giving Ranma a piece of my mind. "I love you", he said. Nabiki slowly opened the door and took a picture. "Finally!!" She said. I peeked around the door and then walked in. "How long have you been there?!" Ranma said as Ryoga came in. "Long enough", Ryoga and I said. Ranma blushed as well as Akane.

  After we ate breakfast, I decided to go to my room and get dressed. I put on a (f/c) dress. It was knee high and had different colored ends that flowed up to the waist of my dress. I had made it one time when I was in the streets alone. I pulled out a pink and red ribbon and tied my hair in a ponytail. I went down stairs and sat on the wooden porch in the garden. I read my book, (f/b). I was so absorbed in it, that I didn't see Ryoga standing over me until I felt someone hug me. I looked back at Ryoga. He smiled. He kissed my cheek and sat next to me. "You look fancy today", he said and I laughed. "Its not that fancy", I said. "A little", he said.

  We sat there and talked for about an hour and then Kasumi called us. "There are people outside looking for you", she whispered and walked  to the kitchen. Ryoga and I walked to the door and looked though the little hole. It was Koga. Ryoga let out a low growl and we backed away. He put on a disguise. He ruffled his hair and took off his banana. Ranma saw what was happening and I showed him who was at the door. Ranma dumped water on his head and changed into a girl. He put  on a long green dress. He put his hair in a bun and nodded. I put my hair in two buns. I had Alan  spray my hair with blonde fake hair spray that washes out. I opened the door. Koga looked down at me. "Do you know this person?" He asked and held up a picture of me. "No, now get off my prosperity before I call the police!!" I yelled and Koga backed off. When he was gone, I shut the door. "Nice one, (y/n)", Rama said pouring hot water on his head. He change back to his normal clothes and went upstairs.

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