The After Shock

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Kirsh wakes up on the Zeta's fraternity house porch with a killer hangover, he looks around and sees that the frat house is covered in toilet paper. "What the hell happened last night?"

A familiar voice comes from behind him, it's one of his bros, Zack, "Things got a little insane when the Alchemy Club brought some kind of drink to the party. I really think we should stop relying on them for our drinks."

Kirsh rubs the back of his neck, "I don't remember anything that happened last night, dude."

"Oh, yea. The Summer Society girls showed up and kind of messed up our frat house. If you can't tell." Zack says pulling some toilet paper of the side of the house. 

"Is everyone ok?"

"Yea, the worst thing that happened is that we all have bad hangovers with killer headaches." he helps Kirsh off the floor of the porch into the house, they grab a couple bottles of water out of the fridge and start chugging them down. There's a loud knock at the door, Kirsh walks over to open it leaving Zack in the kitchen. 

Kirsh moves the curtains so he can look out the window, "Dude, it's Danny." Zack shrugs, not knowing what to do. Kirsh opens the door and gets prepared for a fist to the face.

"Hey, we're kind of missing one our girls, we think she passed out here and we wanted to check." Kirsh releases the tenseness in his back and lets Danny in. She walks a few feet into the door when she sees a girl passed out on their couch. "That's her. " Danny walks over to the couch and picks the girl up, "Well, see you guys later." she's stopped by a hand grabbing her shoulder.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"  Danny turns around to face Kirsh.

"Yea, I remember the whole night, I don't really trust the drinks the Alchemy Club was giving out. Why?" 

"Anyone who drank the beverages don't remember any part of the night."  Danny pauses to change arm positions, trying to not drop the girl in her arms, "Ok, I better leave. See you guys later." and she heads out the door. Danny carries the girl all the way to the sorority house even though she kind of regained consciousness, Danny didn't trust her walking with all the alcohol in her system. They both make it to the Summer Society without any problems. Danny puts the girl down on the porch and they both walk into the house. The girl plops down on the couch and passes out again, Danny walks into the kitchen to grab something to eat when she feels a buzz in her pocket.

LaF: Hey we're gonna go back over to Laura's house. Wanna come with?

Danny: Sure, when are we leaving?

LaF: We're actually heading over now, meet us in the parking lot?

Danny: Yea :)

Danny meets LaF and Perry in the parking lot, they all hop into LaF's car and head to Laura's house. When they get there, they are greeted by Laura and she lets them in. Laura sits them all down in the living room to have a talk. "Did you find Shelby?" Perry asks as soon as she sat down.

"Yea, we did. But she's not doing so well, she woke up this morning looking very pail and with a raging fever." Laura stops briefly to look up the stairs and at her bedroom door, "Carmilla's sitting up there with her." 

"Poor thing, I could make her some brownies, that might cheer her up." Perry says trying to brighten the mood. 

"That's nice of you Perry. Ok, I'll be right back, I'm gonna go see how she's doing." Laura gets off the arm chair and walks up the stairs. She knocks on the door and walks in. She sees the small, limp body laying on her bed. Shelby has her head on Carmilla's lap, with Carmilla brushing her hair out of her eyes, "Hey, how's she doing?"  Laura sits down on the bed next to Carmilla.

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