A Night To Remember

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"Hey, Danny. Do you think we can hit up the library? We need to get a subject for our project."

"I don't think that's a good idea Kirsh. Remember what happened to LaFontaine and Laura last year when they went there after dark? They nearly got themselves killed."

"Oh yea, I remember. Do you think LaFontaine will let us borrow JP? He's kind of a piece of history himself." 

"That's a great idea Kirsh" says Danny and hits Kirsh on the shoulder, "I hope LaF and Perry didn't already think of that."

"Well, let's go ask them , shall we?" Kirsh ushers Danny through the door and they head to LaFontaine and Perry's dorm.

"I can't believe I forgot about JP, he saved us and the campus from immanent doom last year."

"Yea, he's pretty cool. The Zetas are thinking about making him a honorary Zeta for saving our soles. He'll get a trident and everything."

"What's a computer chip going to do with a trident?" asks Danny with a laugh.

"I don't know, stuff."

"Oh, really?" asks Danny and they both start laughing. 


"Ok, Carm. Ready to go?" Laura slips on a light jacket.

"Yea," She puts her phone in her pocket. "Can you at least give me a hint on what we're doing?" Carmilla turns around to face Laura. 

"It's outside. Trust me" Laura walks over to Carmilla and wraps her arm around her waist, "You're gonna love it."  

Carmilla smiles and puts her arms around Laura. "I always love being with you." She leans into a hug. Carmilla wants to stay like this forever, but Laura pulls back a little so they can make eye contact.  "Ok, we better get going." Laura breaks their physical contact but only for a few seconds, Laura puts her arm around Carmilla's waist and Carmilla puts her arm around Laura's shoulders and they walk out of the dorm. Laura walks Carmilla around the campus until she finds the perfect spot for ther date. It's a pond with green grass around it, the night sky is perfectly visible and this makes Laura really happy cause she knows how much Carm loves the stars.

Laura sits on a park bench and ushers Camilla to sit next to her. "The sky is beautiful tonight, isn't it?" She looks over at Carmilla waiting for an answer. Carmilla was still staring up into the black night, Laura gives her  little nudge to get her out of the trance of the night sky.

"Oh, yea. It is really beautiful." She looks at a really bright star and says, "It's crazy you know, how small we are in comparison, nothing to that light."  Carmilla looks over at Laura and smiles, "But nothing can compare to your beauty." She takes Laura's hand and presses her lips against them and with the other hand she tucks some of Laura's hair behind her ear. Carmilla bites her lip, "Do you remember our fist kiss?"

"Yea, I don't know how I could forget." Laura smiles at Carmilla, who's cheeks turned a little pink. "I also remember how I almost lost you." Her smile turnes into a frown and watery eyes. "I don't know what I would do without you." Laura lets some tears escape from her eyes which are whipped away by Carmilla. 

"Laura, it's ok, I'm ok, and I'm not going anywhere." Laura jolts forward and wraps her arms around Carmilla's neck, she holds Laura until she stops crying. "You ok, cupcake?"

Laura whips her eyes a little, "Yea, I'm ok now. Thanks, for always being there for me."

"I don't know what kind of girlfriend I would be if I didn't take care of you."  says Carmilla. Laura giggles. 

Laura wants to feel those lips against hers, "Come on, Laura. Girl the hell up."  Laura looks down at Carmilla's lips then back at her eyes, from the way Carmilla is looking at Laura, she can tell she wants it too. Carmilla lifts her hand to cup Laura's cheek. She leans in and gives Laura a soft kiss. Carmilla pulls back, but only for a second before giving Laura another kiss. Laura leans forward a little to deepen the kiss. Carmilla pulls back again but only to bit her lip and say, "Come on, I think we better go back to the dorm to continue this."

This makes Laura giggle, she bites her lip looking deeply into Carmilla's eyes, "I think that would be a good idea." They both stand up to walk back to the dorm, Laura wraps her arm around Carmilla's waist. Carmilla gives Laura a little kiss on her forehead before they head back to their dorm. "I love you, Carmilla Karnstein."

Carmilla smiles wide, " I love you too, Laura Hollis." 


Knock Knock Knock 

"Who's that?" Perry gets up off the arm chair in their dorm room and looks strangely at LaFontaine.

"I don't know Perry." They get off their bed and looks through the peep hole in the door. "It's just Danny and Kirsh." LaF unlocks and opens the door. 

"Sup, ginger twins." 

"Hey Kirsh," they give Danny a nod. 

"So we were wondering if we could borrow JP for this project." Danny scratches the back of her neck nervously. 

"Oh, yea. Of course." Perry starts to dig through LaFontaine's desk drawers looking for him. She grabs a small USB labeled JP out of the top drawer. "Here we go, one JP Armatoge." She hands the USB over to Kirsh. 

"Thanks, guys. Ok, we better get going, you know how the campus gets at night."

"Yea, yea. Of course, but before you go," Perry runs into a small room on the other side of the room, then comes out 30 seconds later holding a plate of something, "Here, I made some brownies."

Kirsh helps himself, Danny only takes two, "Thanks Perry, see you later guys." Danny waves goodbye and they leave to go back to Danny's dorm. 

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