Is this What's It's Like

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Laura wakes up in a dark, cold room. She sits up and sees Carmilla starring out the window. She hears sniffles. Laura tries to get out of bed but is to weak, Carmilla turns around and rushes to her side.

"Hey Laura, you ok?"

Laura rubs her neck, but flinches from the pain, "I guess, I'm really cold and it's hard to move."

Carmilla sits on the bed next to her and lets Laura rest her head on her chest, "Yea, that's normal." she starts running her fingers through Laura's hair, "You'll have to start drinking blood some time around noon to get your strength back."

"Ok." Laura and Carmilla sit on the bed for a while in silence, Laura can start to feel her heart beat slow down every minute and can feel her body temperature dropping. A few minutes later Shelby knocks on the door, she comes in and sits on the bed with Laura and Carmilla.

"How have you been?" Shelby sits back with Laura.

"I'm cold and I feel really weak."

"Do you want a blanket?" Shelby gets up and grabs a spare blanket off the floor and wraps it around Laura. Laura soon goes to sleep and Shelby leaves the room. Carmilla is about to fall asleep when she feels a buzz by her leg. She looks down and sees that Laura's phone has a lot of texts on it, all from Lafontaine. Carmilla unlocks the phone and reads some of the texts.

LaF: Laura there's trouble here

LaF: Can you and Carmilla come to the school? Something bad is happening, I don't know what it is though.

LaF: Laura!!!!

Laura: Hey, this is Carmilla, Laura got a little sick. She's laying down, what's the issue?

LaF: There's some sort of evil looking tree root things walking around the school

Laura: Have they hurt anyone?

LaF: every person that has got close to one got a sharp root in the chest

LaF: Plus they're chanting something that sounds like nocturnus and just repeating that same word

Carmilla looks up at the ceiling and really wants to scream, then looks down at Laura. How did a beautiful girl like you ever fall for a girl like me? She closes her eyes, then there's a knock at the front door, Carmilla tries her hardest to get out of bed without waking Laura up and walks down stairs. "Ugh, I don't have time for this." she unlocks and swings the door open, "Ok whoever you are I don't have-" Carmilla's jaw drops. "Mother."

"Hey sweetheart, I think it's time we have a little talk."


The whole school was called to the town hall before anyone else got hurt. One of the professors is having his colleagues barricade the door with chairs. All of the students are in little groups talking very quietly, Danny, LaF, and Perry are at the top of the bleachers taking about how they can't stop these things when they're all stuck in the town hall. Just then, a loud voice came on the speakers

It has come to our attention that the members at the green house let some of the Alchemy Club members experiment on some of the newly planted trees and now are walking the campus grounds. And as the head staff here at Silas University, we have decided to close the campus gates.

There is an uproar in the crowd. One of the Zetas stood up and starting shouting, "We want to get out of here! These things could kill us!"

I'm sorry Zachary, but the head staff has already decided, we can't let these things get out into the city. It's simply safer to have the gates shut.

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