Attack of the Monster Gargoyles

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"Ok, JP. Ready to get down to work?"  Kirsh asks JP after plugging him into his laptop.  

Yes sir. 

Kirsh and Danny ask JP a few few about his past, the general stuff like where he was born, who his parents were, any siblings, and so on and so forth. Then they finally made it to the questions like what he studied and if he had any success with his research.

Well as you both remember, I was curious about the dean and the strange world of Silas University, why girls kept mysteriously kept disappearing, so I decided to go to the library. I stumbled upon the big Sumerian book and I found something called Laphilformes. I kept conducting my research until I was sucked into some web system. 

"Wow, I don't mean to be rude or whatever, but what is it like being a computer chip?" Danny looks over at Kirsh, she feels as if she just insulted a war veteran. 

Oh, it's rather boring. The only time I ever get to actually "live" is when your friend LaFontaine has me plugged into a computer, but until they do, I'm stuck looking through the same files on this chip. 

"Dang, that's rough, bro." 

"Yea, I'm sorry about that JP. I really wish there was something I could do."

It's ok, but thank you for your hospitality Danny. Anyway, we need to get working on your project. 


Laura wakes up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window, she trys to shift to cover her eyes, but she realizes she is laying half on top of Carmilla and her arms are wrapped around Laura, she doesn't want to wake her up cause she looks so beautiful asleep. 

"Bout time you woke up, cupcake." says Carmilla as she opens her eyes and starts to smile.

"I thought you would still be asleep. It's Friday."

""Well, I wanted to be awake when you woke up. I want to show you something." Laura shifts so Carmilla can get out of bed. Carmilla stands up and opens the curtains. Laura isn't prepared to see what's out there. 

"What the frilly hell are those?"

"I don't know, Laura."  They are both staring at stone figures outside each building.

There's a knock at the door and Lafontaine and Perry come barging in. 

"I'm sorry, since when did people in this century give up on knocking." says Carmilla in a rather pissed tone. 

"Sorry, it's just really urgent" LaF looks over at Laura who was still staring at the stone nightmares perched outside the window, "So I guess by the look on Laura's face you to have seen the gargoyles."

"Yea, I saw one of them land outside our window around 6:30 this morning." says Carmilla pulling Laura away from the window. 

"So that's why you were up." 

"Yea, I didn't want to get up to see what it was until you woke up yourself, I didn't want you freaking out." 

"We need to find Danny and Kirsh, they have JP, he might have information on how these things got here and why they showed up." says Lafontaine grabbing Perry's arm and walking out of the room. 

Laura and Carmilla quickly get changed and head to the commons where LaF and Perry are waiting. 

"Ok, I texted Danny and she will be here in about 10 minutes with JP, but until then we should take a look at one of those things" Lafontaine points over to one of the gargoyles. Carmilla walks over to one of the gargoyles. 

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