Christmas Break

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 Laura gets up from her bed and walks over to the window, she watches a snow flake fall onto the ground and feels like cold window against her hand. She turns around to look at Carmilla packing up her stuff for break, "Carm, how much do you have to work over break?" 

Carmilla looks up from her bag and starts folding another shirt, "Until I have enough money to buy the thing I want for Christmas." 

"You understand the point of gifts on Christmas is to receive the things you want, and not to go buy it yourself." 

"Who said it was for me?" Carmilla gives her a smirk, "and I almost have enough money saved anyway, I just need a days worth of pay from the mall, then I'll be home for Christmas." 

"I just wish you would at least let me drive you to work." 

"I don't want you to waist gas driving me to work." 

"Are you sure?"

"It's fine, Laura. I also don't want to have to wake you up to drive me, I want you to be able to sleep in on your break." Laura walks over to Carmilla and sits next to her. 

"I really hope Shelby likes the gift we bought her." Laura says looking at the wrapped box sitting against the wall  by the door.

Carmilla zips up her bag and turns her head to face Laura's, "She'll love it." she grabs Laura's hand and strokes it with her thumb, "If you want your friends to come with us you might want to text one of them and tell them to hurry up, if we want to get to your house at a decent time, we should probably get going."

"That's a good idea." Laura gets off the floor and walks over to her bed. She grabs her phone off the night stand and opens iMessage.

Laura: Hey, are you guys almost done packing? Carm and I are done.

LaF: Yea, we're done. We're just trying to convince Danny to ride with us instead of biking to your house. 

Laura: Ok, see you in a few :)

"Are they done?" Carmilla walks over and sits next to Laura on the bed.

"Yea, they're just trying to get Danny to ride with them over to my house." Laura rests her head on Carmilla's shoulder. 

"You ok cupcake?" Carmilla puts her arm around Laura.

"Yea, I'm fine. I just don't want Christmas to happen like last year." 

"The part where we got lost in the mountains or the fact you nearly got eaten by that cannibalistic Christmas witch?" 


"Don't worry Laura, I won't let anything happen to you." she gives Laura a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks Carm." Laura looks down at her phone, "we're completely packed right?"

"Yea, why?"

"LaF just texted me asking when we're ready to head out to the parking lot." 

"Well let's get going then." Carmilla pulls Laura off the bed. She hands Laura her coat and grabs the bags, "Laura why did you have to get us matching bags?"

"Cause I felt like it, why, is it to weird for you?" 

"No, I have something in my bag for you and it's not wrapped. Now I don't know which bag has the present in it." 

"Oh, hold on." Laura grabs one of the bags from Carmilla's hand, she looks at the bottom and hands it back to Carmilla, "this is yours."

"How do you know?"

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