The Wedding Day

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It's a bright sunny at the Hollis'. All the snow has melted and the smell of flowers fills the air. Carmilla and Laura are both doing their hair and making some adjustments to their outfits. Laura is wearing a beautiful long white dress with tiny rhinestones shining the perimeter of her dress, while in the bathroom, Carmilla is quickly changing into a black vest with a white shirt and black tie. She looks into the mirror and mouths something along the lines of today's the day, Karnstein. The day you start the rest of forever with the woman you love. She tightens her tie and opens the bathroom door and calls Mr.Hollis over, "Hey Mr.Hollis, since it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, would you mind driving Laura in a separate car to the church?"

"Yeah, sure." he turns around and starts to walk back to the living room.

Carmilla takes some deep breaths and walks into the dining room, she sits down in a chair waiting for Laura and her maids of honor to leave to go to the church. She put her head in her arms and sits there for a few moments but hears the sound of foot steps coming from the kitchen. She quickly gets out of the chair to see who it is.

"Hey, Carm?"

"Hey, Shelbs." Carmilla easily realizes that Shelby is wearing a suit that matches hers instead of wearing a dress that closely resembles Laura's, "Why aren't you in a dress like your sister?"

"Because Laura already has her maids of honor, I felt like you needed one too."

"Thanks shorty." Carmilla messily runs her hands through Shelby's hair.

"I'm not that short."

"You're Laura's height, that's pretty short."

"Shut up." Shelby lightly punches Carmilla's shoulder.

"Hey girls!"

Shelby turns around, "Yeah dad?"

"It's time, we're gonna take off." Mr.Hollis grabs the keys off the counter, "don't wait to long, don't want to be late on your own wedding day."

"Ok, Mr.Hollis." Carmilla smiles and waves bye to him. She hears the car pull out of the drive way which s her cue to leave. She grabs the keys and pulls Shelby to her car. They hop in and Carmilla starts the car, her hand shakes as she puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the drive way.

Shelby looks over at her with worried eyes, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just can't believe this is happening. It feels like just yesterday I was meeting Laura, now I'm marrying her."

"Time flies by with the one you love." Shelby rests her head on the car door and they head down a back road to the church. Five minutes go by in silence, then Carmilla spots the church. She pulls into the parking lot and parks next to Mr.Hollis' car. She takes the keys out and sits there for a second.

"You ready Carm?"

She nods her head, "Let's do this thing." the girls get out of the car and walk up to the doors of the church. As they enter, Carmilla spots Kirsh and Zack opening the doors to the sanctuary to let the guests in.

"Glad to see you're better Zack."


Carmilla turns her gaze over to Kirsh, "Thanks for doing this for me, it means a lot."

Shelby looks over at her, "Doing what?"

"Well, since Carmilla doesn't have a dad around, being the total bro I am. I offered to walk her down the isle."

"Awe, that's sweet Kirsh."

"It' nothing." Kirsh looks down at his watch, "we should probably go get ready, the ceremony starts in like twenty minutes."

"That would be a good idea." Kirsh and Zack leave their posts to go make some finishing touches to their suits while Shelby and Carmilla wait in the lobby area. Kirsh and Zack come back and offer their arms to Carmilla and Shelby, Carmilla taking Kirsh's and Shelby taking Zack's. They get to the sanctuary doors and are greeted by LaF and Perry. When the sound of the music started to play LaF and Perry walk in first, then when they are half way down the isle, Shelby and Zack walk in. LaF and Perry walk over to the side Laura will be standing on, and Shelby and Zack side with Carmilla. When everyone is in place up front, Kirsh and Carmilla make their way down the isle, Carmilla occasionally smiling at the people in the pews. They get to the front, and Kirsh separates himself to go sit in a pew with some of the Zetas that were invited. Now the moment of truth for Carmilla, she sees the white dress of Laura's make it's way through the door into the sanctuary.

My God she's stunning Carmilla thinks to herself. Laura and her dad make their way up the isle to the front of the room, Laura shares and hug with her dad, then he leaves her side to go sit with Laura's grandmother. Carmilla offers Laura her hand as she walks up the priest.

"We're gathered here today to witness the holy marriage between Carmilla Karnstein and Laura Hollis." as the priest goes on, Carmilla stares into Laura eyes, and not being able to leave them. She gets lost in Laura for the whole time the priest is talking until she snaps out of it when she hears him say, "Now for the exchange of vows."

Laura unfolds a piece of paper and begins to read, "Carmilla Kanstein, from the moment I met you, I knew you were different. You were the kind of different I envied, I know this may sound weird, but deep down past the hatred of out freshmen year of college, I knew I wanted you, and as time goes on, I was never going to let you go. You're my best friend and my soul mate, and I can't wait to spend my life with you."

Carmilla starts to get tears in her eyes, but she quickly wipes them away and begins reading her vows to Laura, "Laura Hollis, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and down right most adorable person I know. You shine bright even on your darkest days, and you're a whole galaxy compared to any star. I promise to always love and protect you no matter what the cost and I promise to always and forever support you, and I'm glad I get to spend eternity with you in my arms."

"Now by the power invested in me, I know pronounce you wives." he turns and looks at Carmilla, you may kiss your bride."

Carmilla then lifts the veil from Laura's face, she lays a hand on Laura's cheek and leans in. Carmilla and Laura share a kiss so sweet, Carmilla can taste sugar when she pulls back. They both give each other the widest smile as they grab each others hand and walk out of the sanctuary hand and hand ready to spend forever with each other.

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