Back To Silas

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"Welcome back to Silas University, please take your seats and I'll start role" says the teacher. He sits at his desk and pulls out a piece of paper, "Elizabeth Speilsdwarph."

A girl from the front of the class raises her hand, "Here."

A few more kids names are called. Most of them went to school with each other the year before, which makes it kind of strange, the class is rather quite.

"Alright. Um, Wilson Kirsh."

A very tall, muscular boy in a group of frat boys turns around, "I'm here, and call me Kirsh, bro."

"It's Mr.Smith to you young man, Danny Lawrence."


"Laura Hollis.'

A tiny girl with long, beautiful brown hair says in a quite yet excited voice, "Here."

"Well, good morning young lady," he says with a smile, "Um, Carmilla Karnstein."

From the back of the room he sees a girl with black, wavy hair looking down at a book and says," Here." without even looking up from the page. Laura turns around and gives her a wave, she didn't even realize they had a class together. Carmilla looks up from her book and gives her a smile, a little wave, then buries her face back into her book.

"Lola Perry."

"Oh, um. Here Mr.Smith. And can you call me Perry? It's my nickname."

"Alright, Ms.Perry. Susan Lafontaine."

The short haired ginger sitting next to Perry raises their hand. "Here, and it's LaFontaine, sir."

The rest of the names are called and Mr.Smith creates a seating chart. Carmilla was the only one that moves far from her original seat. Mr.Smith places her next to Laura and he begins the introduction to his class. He explains the concept of his history class and splits the class into groups of two. Considering each table only sits two people at it, that makes his job easy.

"Alright class, for your first project, you're going to pick a famous historian from any period and write the evolution of their studies."

Carmilla groans and Laura lets out a slight giggle.

"Ok, class. Get to it."

Laura turns to Carmilla,"Ok, Carm. Considering you're really into this kind of stuff, who should we do this project on?"

"Well, let's go back to the dorm to discuss this" Carmilla finishes her page and puts the book into her backpack, "The rest of my books are there." They grab their stuff, Laura waves goodbye to LaF and Perry, and they walk out of the class.


"Alright, LaF. Who do you think we should look up?"

"I don't know Perry. I wish this was Bio, we would ace this project, since I know most of the famous scientist to this date.

"Ok, ok. Don't rub it in" Perry giggles, "We should probably hit the library before it gets dark. Remember the whole fiasco at the library last year?"

"Shut, up." LaF gives Perry a little push, " If we go back to the dorm, I could grab my laptop and we could go hang out in the court yard with Danny and Kirsh."

Perry gives her a little smile, "Ok, let's go." Perry grabs their hand and they walk to the dorms.

LaF: Hey, do you and Kirsh want to come hang out in the courtyard with me and Perry?

Danny: Sure, what time?

LaF: You two free in 15 minutes?

Danny: Yea, we'll be there :)

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