Thought of the day.

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What if? those words have plagued all who dare say it, these very words had been gnawing at Blitz's mind for days now. Every time they did he would shut it down with counters like that he couldn't entertain that line of thought or he knows he did the right thing. The right thing? Not letting his fuck buddy slash book lender get shot for his own purposes, doesn't really sound like a good thing when you say it like that.

Blitz crosses his arms over his desk and leans on them still in thought, with a heavy sigh. Did he really care for Stolas other than what he can provide Blitz and his company, it was no lie the bird was a good lay however his needs and desires were getting worse every time they met. Blitz sighs drawing on his desk with his finger following the grooves of the wood. Striker's words burned at the back of Blitz's mind, the offer was more than temping to him however people in his life relied on him. If he had let Striker kill Stolas they would both had to be on the run for the rest of their days which would have been fine with a younger him. He couldn't leave Loona like that plus someone who come looking for him and what if they decided she was good enough option to take the punishment for him instead.

"you look like someone stole your heart B"

Millie's voice snaps Blitz into the room with a little shock in his eyes, She smiles softly closing the door behind her.

"you startled me Mills, I'm fine"

Blitz rubs the back of his head as she walks forward stopping short of the desk.

"Blitz, I hope ya know that I appreciate that I get to work with ya, over the time we all have known each other I can see us like a family. I noticed you ain't been right since the harvest moon festival, it's because of him ain't it?"

Millie says softly and Blitz was shocked for a moment before snorting lightly.

"Striker? Please Millie I'm just pissed he got away it makes"

Blitz gets stopped by Millie interrupting him.

"I saw you"

Millie says the words deafening the room panic rise in Blitz's chest.

"I didn't tell Mox before you ask, no one else knows and I can understand why you kept it to yourself Blitz but you need to put this to bed along with those thoughts that trouble you"

Millie says with a stern voice and Blitz rubs his chin.

"and how do you expect me to do that Millie? He is gone Satan knows where probably getting ready to try and kill Stolas again, who may I remind you is our only way to the human world"

Blitz says defeated to which Millie places a piece of folded paper on his desk but keeps her finger on top of it making him raise an eyebrow.

"what's that?"

He asks and Millie smiles.

"I found him, you can read this piece of paper or burn it Blitz, you need to decide what you really want"

Millie softly guides Blitz who looked conflicted at the idea at looking at the paper let alone deciding what he is going to do with that information.

"be you Blitz"

Millie's voice was warm, with no judgement and Blitz looks away.

"what if what I do destroys everything we have built here?"

Blitz asks his walls down showing he understands his choices effects everyone, Millie chuckles.

"then we will move on, maybe build something new but we will always be together Blitz"

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