Blades and Stones.

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Striker stood lent on a pillars which was of his pause points in club, he had a circle that covered the whole floor. In the center men and women alike thrust and turn thier bodies to the music that pounded in his ears he was mostly used to it now. Striker changes his footing making him hiss silently through his teeth as pain shot up his backside. He takes a tooth pick out his pocket and places between his teeth knowing that wouldn't be the last time he feels that tonight. Blitz had gone all out and now Striker was paying the price for fighting against him so hard but it was fucking worth it every time making him chuckle to himself.

"What's funny?"

A voice chirps next to him he looks to see Felix from before but now she was all made up she smiles her black lipstick shining against the club lights.

"How easy this job seams to be, it's been three hours I ain't had no trouble I'm about to have a nap at this rate"

"True most are behaving, new security always wigs out our regulars"

Felix says playfully Striker rolls the pick to the other side of his mouth noticing a few eyes where on them, Striker had noticed a few glances over the night but it hasn't been this noticeable. She giggles softly and recognises an imp who waves she waves back with a pleasant smile.

"Well there is my first, later"

She says heading off with her client many more hours pass without drama, making Striker wonder how in hell he was going to deal with this kind of job. That was untill a drunk demon who clearly had already too much was getting irritated with the bar staff. One finds Striker's eyes on him Striker rises his chin asking if they were okay the bar man signals for help.

Striker gets over to the demon and places his hand on the demons shoulder leaning close whispering something in his ear, the bar staff watch as Striker continues to whisper to the demon who was looking pailer by the minute, Striker eventually finishes leaning back with a grin the demon nods quickly pulling a hand full twenties taking two out for his drinks covering his bill. He stands but Striker stops him clicks his fingers a firm expression on his face the demon hands over another twenty. Striker motions for the guy to get lost which he does practically running out the door.

"What did you say to him?"

The bar tender asks and Striker smiles handing them the note he was given.

"That I don't like that kind of behaviour"

Striker says making some of the demons at the bar chuckle as the bar man places the money in the tip jar, Striker turns and heads back to his circle. He notice Felix was sat with a group of demons she had them laughing, he notices an imp in a dark blue coat walk to the group he leans his hand on the table.
Felix looks irritated so Striker heads over and listens in.

"No need to look so mad babe"

"I'm busy"

Felix says with a smug expression trying to hide how uncomfortable she was her eyes dart around the room to see if any of the others were there too, all she found was Striker heading to her table.

"Scram fellas, now"

The imp growls flicking out a small blade with a glowing mark on it's side and places it on the table with his hand over it with a grin as the others around her scatter.

"Babe you know things got a lil rough but David is sorry"

"Go fuck your self and that fool"

Felix spits with a frown, he sneers.

"It's best not to be rude to the guy with the knife, only common sense babe"

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