Bed Rest

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Blitz enter his flat hearing a few laughs seeing Felix stood by their oven with a bright smile she sees Blitz and waves.

"Your back early"

Felix says  Striker sits up on the sofa with a small pained noise and also smiles seeing Blitz.

"Not much in the way of work so thought I would come back earlier"

Blitz says walking over to the sofa a leans down kissing Striker softly on the lips let's him but doesn't return the gesture.

"How is the injured today?"

Blitz asks as Felix walks over handing him a bowl of soup which he takes.

"Fine those those bandages will need changing again"

Felix says and Blitz nods.
After Striker got hurt Felix was helping them out at their home for now she felt bad about how hurt he got. Blitz was still firmly against letting Striker go back to work at the club, Felix and Striker had been slowly trying to convince him but it was tiresome. Felix picks up her handbag off the counter and points to the stove.

"There is more soup for you both and Loona I got to head to work soon"

She looks to Striker and back to Blitz with a little worry in her eyes.

"I think he popped a stitch earlier but wouldn't let me look"

Felix whispers and Blitz nods, Striker had been an awkward patient for Felix saying he was fine by himself but it gave Blitz comfort that she was here.

"Thankyou Felix, have a good night"

Blitz says with a nod and smile walking over Striker with the soup grabbing a stool as he does, Felix heads out the flat and Blitz places places the bowl on the floor Striker wasn't looking at him his eyes focused forward.
It was always like this, all smiles and laughs while others were around but as soon as they were alone that is when the fighting would start. Blitz places down the stool and sits on it giving Striker a firm look.

"It's not healing right is it?"

Blitz says softly and Striker ignores this he was clearly still angry about last night, it had been their worst fight so far Striker didn't come to bed last night and looks like he wasn't going tonight if they didn't talk things out.

"It's fine"

Striker says shuffling down in his seat grabbing his hat off the back of the sofa and places it on his face avoiding him again, Blitz sighs rubbing his temples.

"Are you not going to eat anything?"

Blitz asks but Striker doesn't awnser so Blitz stands huffs angrily taking the soup and places it on the side harshly making Striker's fingers that were linked on his stomach tence.

"Your being a pouty brat, if you weren't already hurt I would give you a good beating myself"

Blitz growls side eyeing the still imp layed on the sofa.

"All part of my act then"

Striker hisses with a grin throwing Blitz's words back at him. Blitz grabs the bowl and throws it into the sink the smash making the cowboy jump slightly in his seat, Blitz faces the sink gripping the counter his crawls digging in the wood.

"Fuck it"

Blitz growls walking to the door and exits slamming it behind him.
Striker sits up letting his hat fall in his lap and rubs his eye quickly feeling a little upset by the whole thing, Blitz was mad at him for getting hurt and he was mad at Blitz getting so wound up over a few stab wounds. Their fight last night playing back in his mind over and over again. He stands knowing he had leave, there was no coming back from this and Blitz had made it clear what he thought of him.

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