Work Place Accident.

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Striker stood in the club watching as demons mill about the it had been nearly a week now he had settled in well and was liked by the staff. Felix had kept her distance only saying polite hellos and good byes her eyes rarely met his. Gary said she was fine with Striker being there apparently she wanted to apologize but was embarrassed about being rude to him.

"Your early"

Gary says with a smile joining Striker's side and holds up a piece of paper which he takes and starts reading the note.

"That was in Felix room"


Striker asks and Gary shakes his head his eyes having a worried look.

"Her own home, she is staying here for now untill we can work something out, but my guess is they will come here"

Gary says and Striker folds the paper and hands it back.

"I don't get it, what is their obsession?"

Striker asks looking to Felix who was sat at the bar staring into a drink her eyes dead and cold.

"One of their guys, David she was with him at one point but he was cruel to her in a vile sort of way, she ran from him and begged me to help her, he will kill her if he gets his hands on her again, just for sport"

Gary says and Striker nods one of the other bouncers walks over.

"There you both are, Harry ain't coming he heard about the note and quit, damn coward"

The imp hisses placing his hands on his belt Gary pinches his nose, Felix watches them from the bar and listens in.

"He was surposed to do the watch tonight, damnit I can't stay tonight"

Gary growls Striker looks to him this is when Gary notices Felix stop by them she looked tired and scared.

"You have done plenty already Gary don't worry about it I can look after myself"

Felix says softly Striker places his hands on his hips.

"I'll stay with you"

Striker says firmly Felix looked at him surprised Gary looks at Striker.

"I though you said your house mate didn't like you staying out too late, I don't fancy him coming down here and making a scene"

Gary says Striker chuckles lightly turning his head to the side, Felix looked confused by Gary's comment.

"You let me worry about him"

Striker says so Gary nods in agreement, Striker looks to Felix and nods before heading outside pulling out his phone. Felix watches as Striker exits but turns back to Gary who places a hand on her shoulder.

"You just do what you got to, we will set you up a bed in my office later, okay"

Gary says Felix nods and walks to were Striker went out she could hear Striker talking on the phone he was stood around the corner of the building away from the door.

"Getting all pissy at me ain't going to change my mind"

Striker says Felix leans up again the wall thinking it was best to wait till he was done talking on the phone.

"Oh please a couple of imps ain't that big a deal and you know it, I'll be back in the morning"

Striker says his voice gruff making Felix frown who was this person to Striker.

"You don't own me, stop pretending like you do"

Striker snaps before hanging up he walks around the corner stopping seeing Felix he pockets his phone not looking impressed.

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