No Deal.

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Blitz parks up the van near the motel seeing Bombproof tied up where she was normally, tearing up some kind of animal carcass making Blitz smile, he remembers Striker saying that he would feed Bombproof only when they were settled for the day. Blitz steps out the van and locks it behind him Bombproof raises his head making a soft huffing noise at Blitz.

"Good dinner?"

Blitz asks Bombproof bows his head with a nicker, Blitz nods back before heading up the steps of the motel, Blitz gets to Striker's room opening the door which was still unlocked. The lights were out in the room except one small oil lamp beside the bed glowing softly, Blitz smiles seeing Striker's figure highlighted by the soft light. He was layed on the bed his back to the door, he was wearing his ripped jeans and shirt like normal and his coat and boots where at the end of the bed. Blitz notices a little bit of blood on the jacket as he steps inside shutting the door, he walks around the bed seeing Striker's eyes was closed. Blitz shrugs off his coat and hangs it up then hangs up Striker's coat too, he walks around the bed and noticed a small mark on Striker's chin it looked like a bruise.

"You ever heard of knockin?"

Striker says softly opening one eye focusing on Blitz who smiles.

"I live on an open door policy"

Blitz says softly as Striker opens his other eye with a soft hum, Blitz cups his face running his thumb over the bruising.

"What happened here?"

Blitz asks and Striker takes his hand from his face to hold it.

"My brother's wife paying me back for the time I insulted her"

Striker says softly Blitz rubs his thumb over his knuckles.

"That was who you had to go speak too?"

Blitz asks placing his other hand on Striker's side.


Striker says giving Blitz's hand a soft squeeze.

"Seeing as your here I am guessing the blue blood called you"

Striker says softly and Blitz nods with a small grin his hand runs over Striker's ribs.

"I was pleased to hear you had taken my offer"

Blitz says and Striker smirks.

"I didn't take no offer"

Striker says softly and sits up making Blitz furrow his eyebrows.

"Then why did you say that you weren't going after Stolas anymore?"

Blitz asks and Striker runs a nail under his chin.

"A sign of good faith, for now"

Striker says softly and Blitz turns his head to the side.

"For now?"

Blitz asks leaning closer to Striker who holds his shoulder keeping them close.

"I'm considering your offer but I want a trial run, no marks, no promises, no vows. I gotta be sure that this is the right thing to do "

Striker says Blitz nods and wraps his arms around Striker pulling him onto his lap, they lean thier faces closer kissing eachother softly. Blitz holds Striker close to his chest nipping his lips softly content with the fact Striker was taking this seriously.

"Well you want to come back to mine tomorrow or tonight then?"

"Tomorrow, we gotta set some ground rules"

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