Beat Drop

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Our three-bedroom apartment was around the corner from Julian and Grayson's house, and even though it lacked some basic amenities like a microwave and a fridge that actually kept food cold, it was definitely a step up from living in Ackley Hall. I could see the sunset over the bay from my room, and our living room was the perfect size to pregame for OSU football games. Which was exactly what we were doing now.

"Hey!" Madie's cheery voice carried over the room, greeting Collins as she walked in the door with her backpack and a bag of groceries. "We're having a few drinks before heading over the game. Wanna join?"

Madie held up one of the bottles of beer that Beau had bought, but Collins just smiled and shook her head as she began to put away her cereal and peanut butter. "I'm not really into football, but thanks for the invitation."

Bren chuckled from his spot in the middle of the couch. "We aren't either."

Three heads turned slowly to look at me, and I felt the heat burst onto my face.

"None of you have to come with me."

"Of course we're going to come with you." Madie shot a pointed look at Bren before turning back to me. "You look very cute in that jersey, by the way."

I looked down at the huge numbers on my chest, obsessively smoothing the jersey down. It fell over my hips, looking more like a dress on me than anything else.

"Thanks," I said on a shaky exhale.

How had we ended up here? The last time I went to a football game, it was to boo OSU off the field. And now all I wanted was for them to have a massive win on their first home game of the season. And I wanted Grayson to get safely through the night. I needed him to.

I'd quickly come to understand why Lillian and Grace barely came to his games. I felt like I would throw up, and I hadn't even made it into the stadium yet.

A hand appeared on my arm, giving it a squeeze. "It's gonna be okay, Nes."


Another hand grabbed onto mine. This one was smaller, more slender, and soft. "It's going to be more than okay. It's going to be great!"


I swallowed past whatever was suddenly lodged in my throat. "Thanks, guys."

Forcing myself to lift my gaze from the spot of carpet I'd been staring at, I found Beau watching us quietly. He gave a small encouraging smile when our eyes connected. He hadn't said a word in at least five minutes. I frowned at him, and he glanced away. To Collins.

"Well, I hope you all have fun," she said, closing the cupboard doors and waving us off before walking to her bedroom down the short hallway off the kitchen.

Collins Bryant was quite possibly the best roommate to ever exist. She was kind, clean, and quiet. And she was hella responsible, which made sense given her job experience. An entire spreadsheet—she made an entire spreadsheet with our monthly bills and happily took over the coordination of making sure everything was paid on time. And that was after she shut Beau down on his idea to just pay for it all himself.

There was only one problem with her living here. And it was that Beau was acting strange.


That was how he'd reacted when I'd approached him with the idea to offer our third room to Collins. Just one long stream of words all smushed together in one puff of air.

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