Grayson: Wild Symphonies

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My fingers trembled as I began to unbutton my shirt.

Performing under pressure had never been a challenge for me. Adrenaline was usually the kick in the ass I needed to make sure that I hit every note, every key, every lace on the football.

But now, buttons kept slipping through my fingers left and right.

This was more than adrenaline.

Nessa was naked on the bed, tangled in the sheets. She still wore that orgasmic glow on her face, the one I gave her. And she watched me with slightly hooded eyelids as I tried to take my clothes off.

"I can help with that," she said.

A low laugh slipped out. "Don't you dare move a muscle, Adler."

Ignoring me, she immediately cupped her breasts, squeezing them. Goddamn you, Wednesday. This little display was not making functioning any easier.

"I'm pretty good with my hands, too, you know," she said.

At that, I froze. I gripped my shirt so tightly I damn near ripped it off. To hell with all of these buttons. I needed Nessa now. I'd been dreaming of this moment for so long. Not just the naked part or the dirty promises. But the openness. I dreamed of the version of Nessa who no longer hid. The version of Nessa who trusted me. The version of Nessa who was willing to give me everything.

That version was right in front of me.

Eventually, I managed to swallow. "I'm really enjoying the view right now, but thanks."

Nessa raked her eyes over me, and it only intensified how I ached for her.

"What do you want, Nessa?"

"I want you."

She said it so quickly that I nearly came right then and there.

I want you.

I shook my head, grinning slightly. "More specific, darling. We've been over this."

"I want to be yours."

"Tell me more."

She groaned, irritated. But then she said the most beautiful words.

"I'm yours, Grayson. I want everyone to know that I'm yours. And I want to be yours tonight." I pulled my shirt out of the waistband of my pants, and her eyes dropped before adding, "In bed."

Slowly, I unbuckled my pants. Her words had built me up, and all the trembles had vanished. Confidence stronger than ever before threaded through my veins. God, I was going to make her mine tonight. And I was going to do a hell of a good job while doing it.

"And what does my girl want in bed?" I asked, cocking a brow.

My girl, my girl, my girl, my fucking girl.

She looked like she wanted to punch me. "Why are you making me spell it out for you, asshole?"

I smiled.

"Because, Adler." I tugged my belt out of the loops on my pants and tossed it to the floor. "I've waited so fucking long for this. I want to make sure that we aren't just on the same page but the same goddamn line. The same word."

Nessa squirmed on the bed, her neediness showing even though she already came on my fingers a few minutes ago. I could still smell her. I could still taste her. Jesus fucking christ, I'd never been this hard before.

"Now tell me what you want," I demanded.

I needed to hear those words she'd kept locked up inside her for months.

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