Big Hearts & Houses - Bonus

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"Beau, they're going to be here any—oh my God."

I lifted my head up from between Collins' legs.

"You started it."

"I did not start it." Collins looked down her body at me, and I couldn't help but smirk at how fucking great the view was talking in this position. We should have conversations like this all the time. Naked, of course. "I came out of the shower, and you picked me up and threw me on the bed."

"Your towel wasn't secured properly, and the view was distracting. What was I supposed to do?"

Lifting a hand, I cupped her breast, rubbing my thumb over her peaked nipple. Collins bit down on her lip as she watched me.

"I don't know," she said breathily, her chest beginning to rise and fall quicker with each stroke of my thumb. "Not this. Not when I only have another ten minutes to get ready."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I pulled my hand away. "Did you want to wait another week for me to continue this?"

"A week?" She pushed herself onto two elbows, brows furrowing as she looked at me. I tried not to look at how her tits bounced with every little movement. It was challenging. "Why do we have to wait another week?"

"Because there's going to be a child in the house, baby girl," I pointed out. "We can't have sex with a child in the house."

She fell back into the pillows on our California King again, and I nipped along her inner thigh, just barely skirting her pussy, so that she squirmed beneath me. Maybe she didn't see the urgency in this situation, but I sure as hell did.

Collins groaned my name. "It's not like his room is right next door. And do you think Nessa and Grayson abstain from sex when they have a child in the house?"

"Definitely not." I pushed open her legs wider for me and toyed with her clit with the tip of my tongue. Collins gasped and writhed until I pulled back. "But it's their offspring. It's different."

Collins ran a hand over her face in obvious frustration before moaning some of the best fucking words in the world. "Just shut up and eat me out already."

I pretended to think about it. "I don't know if we have time. I mean, Nessa and Gray are going to be here any—"


If my dick hadn't already been standing at attention, the way she just snapped to get me to go down on her sure would have done the trick. It was so fucking hot when she made sure I knew what she wanted. She never would have been so forward in bed years ago, and I loved how comfortable with herself—and me—now.

"Fine," I muttered with a tone that didn't match the smile on my face. "If you're going to be so bossy about it."

"You're one to talk about being bossy, Beau Bryant."

I smiled into her pussy at the use of my married name. It didn't get fucking old. And neither did her goddamn taste. Oh hell, it was like heaven having her in my mouth. I licked between her legs in one long stroke before dipping inside her as deeply as I could. She sucked in, and I felt her body shudder. But it wouldn't be enough. I knew it wouldn't be.

Luckily, I also knew what would be.

I replaced my tongue with my finger, thrusting far enough that I suspected any second she would—

"Oh, God."

Ah, satisfying.

With a grin, I flicked my tongue over her clit instead, enjoying how she started to writhe with the attention. That was it. Just a few minutes of this and she'd—

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