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Song Ji hyo POV
Today is the last day of her in running man . To her suprised , Kang Gary , their long lost friemd is here to say good bye to her. Kwang Soo is also here just like their old days .  She feel really happy and sad at the same time . He also brought hao with him and introduced them to the toddler . During the shooting , everything seems sad . They talked about the old days of running man , they laughed about their funny memories , they tease each other , they had a very grate time . Finally it is time for member to tell Ji hyo their good bye with their feeling . The first one is suk Jin oppa . Suk jin hold Ji hyo 's hands and look at into her eyes and start

"You know Ji hyo yah , you are just like my daughter . You and I , we both have the doubts about ourselves on this show at the start . We thought we can 't fit in . But , we thorough all of these difficulties and make it . We all became one , I never thought that I will addicted to this show and to all of the members . I know ,that someday we have to go our own path but I thought we would be last forever , but that thought is very childish , I know . Remember that , We are always support you , Ji hyo yah . " Suk Jin said and ji hyo have her tears in her eyes . Then the next one is , jae suk oppa ,

"Ji hyo yah ,since the fist time I saw you , you are different from the others . You are independent , carefree and energetic . You are a strong woman that is why I voted for you to this show . And I can prove it myself now , you became our ace and make the fun happy . Just like suk Jin hyung said I will always here support to you , Ji hyo yah " Ji hyo nodded her head and hug jae suk . Then , Gary came out cause Jong kook wanted to be the last

"Ji hyo yah , firstly , I am sorry for not contacting . I thought that it is the best decision for all of us if I quit from the show . Our Monday loveline become popular and at that time , if I married a woman that is not you , I thought I could ruin the show cause I am a Monday boyfriend and you are Monday girlfriend . I love this show and the bad rumors are spreading at that time so I thought if I quit the show , that can stop the rumors . Sorry for being lost , Ji hyo yah . I will always be happy for you and wish for you ,Ji hyo yah " they also hug each other . Then , it is haha turn .

"Ji hyo yah , my Mapogu - sister , you know that you are really pretty no matter how many times we said you are ugly . You are just like my real sister . I can't believe you are also quitting this show , I thought we can go till the end but ... life can 't be predicated , right ? I am very happy for there for you anytime you need me for the past years , Ji hyo yah . I love you , not the love Jong kook hyung think in big    picture but the love from the brother to a sister . " Haha said and they also hug then kwang Soo came out and start crying .

"Kwang Soo yah , don't be like that " Ji hyo said and kwang Soo nodded his head.

" Noona , you know , all of these years , we fight like siblings , we talked like siblings , we care for each other like siblings . It is hard for me when I decided to quit the show ,it is just like I cut off my family members , so I know how you feel right now . Everytime , I ask myself back if I make the right decision , I still don't know the answers . Every Monday , I feel like I am missing something , ... and I am sure you will suffer this too from now on so feel free to call me and ask for your drinking partner . Just like hyung said , I will support you , noona" he said .

"Noona , I know you are the savior of this show , without you we don't know how to continue . I am sorry if I do something wrong in the past years . I will always remembered these beautiful moments with you in this show noona " se chan said .

"ennonie , I know there are a lot of things you go through to become like this . And , I want to said sorry . We are the only female members in this show , without you I don't know how to play . I will miss you ,ennonie . I will be always your fangirl " so min said . And finally it is Jong kook turn . Jong kook walked to Ji hyo and stand infront of her and then hold her hands .

"Ji hyo yah first of all , meeting you is the best things that happened in my life . I don't know when we became close , when we became comfortable each other but you are just like those people who I can openly tell about my problems.  You always give me suggestions , supports and that make me strong . Don't forget that even the world is split into two , I will always there for you , no matter what happens I will always by your side ,Ji hyo yah " with that Jong kook kissed Ji hyo 's forehead . All the members and crew widened their eyes . Jong kook 's lips is toughing Ji hyo 's forehead for about five minutes then they heard a fake cough

"You two can continue when the shotting is over , hyung " haha said and Jong kook glared at him . Then , smile to Ji hyo who is also smile at him .

"Hyung , noona forget her bag " kwang Soo said while holding Ji hyo 's bag.

"I will take it kwang Soo yah . I will give it to her tomorrow for now I have to attend the meeting . " Jong kook said and take the bag and went to his agency .

"Hi everyone , thank you for your support and love you all ❤️❤️stay safe and be healthy ❤️❤️"

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