Chapter - 4

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Kim Jong kook POV
He is now stroking Ji hyo 's hair who is using his lap as a pillow and fell asleep . He looks at her beautiful face , she seems amazing . He can tell that she is the most beautiful angel in this world . Her rosy pink lips are parted and her cheek is soaked with her now dried tears . He never have an imagine at the start of running man that he and ji hyo will become this kind of relationship . They are just like friends sometime , but sometime they acted like a couple . He knew that and everyone knew that they are more than friends to each other . However , he never dare to a step forward and confess his feeling cause he afraid that they will be distance if the things didn't go well . He smiled when she change her position . Then , he carried her bridle style and went to her room . He pull the duvet over her and kiss her forehead . He wish he could do this things all the time . He is about to leave but an envelope on her nightstand caught his attention . He reached for the envelope and checked ,to his suprised ,it is a hospital report . Before he can open it ,

"Oppa" Ji hyo yawned . He smiled at the girl whose eyes are stilled closed but she call out for him .
'she may be dreaming about me ' he is proud for himself . Then , he exited from her house and went to his house , it is already 10 p.m.
He went to his house and went to bed . He is not going to ask Ji hyo about her reason for quitting running man . She need her time , he knows that . Finally he went into sleep and had a never ending dream .

Beep beep beep

He woke up because of his alarm sound . He get up from his bed and do his routine . Then , he went to the kitchen and take an apple from the refrigerator . He ate apple , apple is the best choice for your good health . Then , he decided to call to Ji hyo . He dailed Ji hyo 's number and called .

"Good morning oppa " Ji hyo answered her usual sleepy voice .
Jong kook chuckle at her cuteness .

"Morning , Ji hyo yah . Do you have your breakfast , yet ? " Jong kook asked .

"No , oppa . Wae ?" Ji hyo asked .

"Do you want to go to McDonald and have a breakfast ? " Jong kook asked .

"Of course , I will oppa . I will get there after thirty minutes and wait me there " Ji hyo answered back .

"K , Ji hyo yah . Take care " Jong kook said and ji hyo replied the same . He prepared to leave . It is also routine for them for the past months , they caught up together more often . They spend their time together and it felt amazing . He drove to McDonald and wait for Ji hyo to come . When he got there , he met with a long lost friend . Guess who ! Kang Gary . He is sitting with his son , feeding him pancakes. Gary is also like his family although he caught all the tie with them , he is still their part . He went  to them , he can 't see him cause his back is facing him .

"Gary ah " Jong kook called and Gary seems suprised for seeing him .

"Jong kook hyung " Gary said . Hao is looking at him puzzled .

" Long time no see , Gary ah " Jong kook said and take a seat .

"Yes , hyung . How have you been ?" Gary asked .

"I am fine , Gary ah " Jong kook said and looked at hao . He is really look like Gary .

"Oh , Hao yah ,here this samchon is my long lost best friend and hyung say hi " Gary introduced him to hao .

"Hello , Jong kook samchom " Hao said .

"Ne , hello Hao yah . You are really adorable " Jong kook said while looking at hao . He wish he also have a child like him . A daughter , but a boy is ok too with him and ji hyo 's mix . Oh... Get some sense Kim Jong kook he said to himself. 

"Owww, hyung . I saw your loveline with Ji hyo. You two seem pretty close . Give me an invitation , I will definitely come there. " Gary said and wink at Jong kook .

"Whoa ! Gary ah . You can tell that now cause you have a very pretty wife and an adorable son " Jong kook said . It is a little bit uneasy you know ?after all Gary is Ji hyo 's past loveline and they two share strong chemistry too . Gary scratched his neck and said .

"Yeah , it is a little bit uneasy but you two are really good together ,hyung . I should apologize you all for not calling or talking to you all . " Gary said .

"Well , you remembered that time , me , you and ji hyo a little bit awkward because of the rumors between us.  Media created a very interesting story , right ?" Jong kook said remembering the time they sat together awkwardly .

"Yes , hyung. I remembered . " Gary also smile at Jong kook .

"I heard that Ji hyo leaving the show . What happend ? Owww, are you two planning something , hyung ? " Gary tease Jong kook and Jong kook blushed .

"No , Gary ah ... I don't know the reason of her leaving the show ... but I will always there for her " Jong kook said and smiled like a lovesick boy .

"Owww, Hao yah , close your ears . You are too young to hear this cheesy things. " Gary tease Jong kook and covered Hao 's ears with his hands . Jong kook laugh out loud at the sight . Then , an idea popped out into his head. 

"Gary ah , would you like to join to running man as a guest ?" Jong kook said . Jong kook knows Ji hyo want to meet with gary again . Ji hyo want to see all of her running man family . He knew it. He will make Ji hyo happy even in his last breath.

"Hi everyone , here is the next chapter . Hope you like that . Just like I said the plot is belong to @-11 shadow and I write this story . Thank you for your support ♥️♥️ stay healthy ♥️♥️"

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