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This is the story of Amanda, a girl who could simply wish upon a star...

Amanda came from a conservative Asian family. Her parents were once both impoverished. Her father, Alvin, only completed high school. When he was younger, he worked as a laborer for a very low wage and he was frequently looked down and mistreated. 

Amanda's mother, Nancy, on the other hand, was only a junior high school graduate. She was a woman who devoted a great deal of time to her studies. She was saddened when she was abruptly forced to stop her studies and help her parents earn a living in order to help the family's economy and pay her siblings' tuition fees.

This couple did not own a property during their early marriage and had to rent one in the suburbs. They did not even have a television or a refrigerator. However, during their terrible time, they were extremely fortunate to have a very kind neighbor. This neighbor permitted Amanda's siblings to watch television in his house and he even allowed Nancy to store meats and vegetables in his refrigerator to keep their food fresh.

As parents, of course, they would undoubtedly not want their children to go through the same awful experience that they did. So they would do everything they could to provide a good life for their children. Alvin worked tirelessly all hours of the day and night as he now had three dependents: Nancy and two children. Nancy could not help Alvin in earning a living because she was preoccupied with her two children and could not afford to hire a nanny. 

One day, Alvin and Nancy found out that Nancy was pregnant with their third child. They were so stressful, because their lives were already difficult. Let alone having to feed one more child. But they chose to keep this child as they valued life and named her Amanda, which meant "worthy of love". 

Then Amanda was born to the world. It turned out that her arrival brought the wheel of fortune into their lives. Alvin suddenly got a business opportunity which would change their lives for the better. The family's financial situation gradually improved, and they eventually reached stability. They were able to purchase their own houses and cars. Alvin never once in his life imagined that he would be a successful businessman.

Alvin could finally enjoy his life after a long ordeal. He understood the value of quality time and the importance of family, so he spent a lot of time with his family, either doing outdoor activities or simply eating outside. Although the activities were so simple, all of the children were content. They could feel the sense of connectedness, which was the most important thing to them. 

Due to the comfortable life they lived, Amanda's sister, Elodie, and brother, Aaron, were even sent abroad for a month to participate in a homestay program. Unfortunately, Amanda was not permitted to join them at the time because her father thought she was still too young. 

Hearing this statement, Amanda was disappointed. So, to console Amanda, Alvin promised to send her abroad for a homestay in 1 to 2 years. As disappointed as Amanda was, Amanda agreed and expressed a desire to travel to Australia for her homestay. She hoped Alvin would keep his promise. 

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