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Amanda's father was concerned that his children would have to go through the same horrific experience that he had, being poor and underestimated by others. As a result, he designed and planned his children's future, particularly Amanda's. Perhaps, because Amanda was the family's youngest member.

When Amanda was about to enter university, she wished to pursue a career that fascinated her interest, a career in the hospitality or tourism industry, but her father opposed, believing that it would not lead to success in life.

At the time, tourism and hospitality were not as well known or booming as they are now. It was not yet the age of globalization; each country maintained strict border controls. The airline industry had not yet expanded rapidly.

"Father, I want to study tourism or hospitality." Amanda stated her preference for a university course.

"Impossible. You simply cannot! What do you want to be?! A servant?!" Amanda's father expressed his opinion sarcastically.

"I can open a travel agency, and you and mother can travel as much as you want. I can open a restaurant or a hotel." Amanda went into great depth.

"No!" He then pushed her to pursue a career that he believed would bring her financial success. He did not believe in passion. One could not be fed by passion.

Amanda's father was quite rigid, possibly as a result of his trauma-related life experience.

"You can only study one of two subjects: medicine or finance. That concludes our discussion!" If you want to take the subject you want, I will not pay for it. You had better not study at all!" Amanda's father was strongly opposed to her proposition.

"I do not want you begging for job. Being a doctor allows you to be wealthy and financially secure. It is something people will always search for. There will always be sick people in the world." Amanda's father furthermore voiced his opinion.

Amanda and her father had frequent quarrels during her senior year of high school. Her mother, brother, and sister were all helpless to defend her. No one could give Amanda's father advice. He was obstinate and refused to listen. Everyone had to follow him if he wanted something. 

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