Unfulfilled Dream

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Just when it was Amanda's turn to leave for a homestay, the crisis struck. Alvin's company was on the verge of failing but he was able to save it. He did, however, lose one of his most valuable properties in exchange. As a result of this major incident, Alvin's life was forever changed. He became a perpetual worrywart, and the family no longer spent time together outside. Instead, he was constantly telling his children to save their money.

One day, Amanda collected her father's promise.

"Father, can I go to Australia? You said you would send me there in one to two years." Amanda requested a homestay because she simply wanted to follow in her siblings footsteps.

She was still in elementary school at the time. She had no idea what had happened or what the economy crisis was.

"I do not have any money. If you insist on going, sell your father's car, house, and stop studying!" Her father was so tense that even the simplest question could irritate him.

"Can I still travel with my own money? I have $200." Amanda asked naively.

She had no idea of monetary value. She believed that $200 would be sufficient to travel to Australia.

"Don't you still have to pay for your visa, accommodation, and so on?! Enough!" Amanda's father became more agitated upon hearing that statement.

From elementary school to high school, Amanda was the best student in her class. So, she received a scholarship from her school, and she did not have to pay her tuition fees. She was even given money by her school for being the best student. Therefore, she could propose going to Australia on her own dime.

Amanda could not say anything else. She was unable to travel to Australia for a homestay and could only dream. Unlike her siblings, she had no idea what a homestay was like. Amanda thought that life was so unfair and that Elodie and Aaron were so fortunate.

That simple unfulfilled dream would serve as a catalyst for her future passion and goal. She yearned for a life of adventure. She aspired to travel the world and was fascinated by other people's cultures. 

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