Beginning of Shift

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The professor contacted his former student who turned out to be the general manager of a 5-star hotel and asked if Amanda could do her personal internship in his company. Once the professor got information, he contacted Amanda. 

"Hello Amanda! I got in touch with my former student. You can reach him by dialing this number." The professor provided her with an update.

"I really appreciate it, Professor." Amanda thanked him profusely and immediately contacted the general manager.

Amanda texted the general manager, asking when the best time to call him would be and she immediately called him after receiving the signal from him.

"Good afternoon, Sir. My name is Amanda, and my university professor, Mr. Patrick, gave me your phone number." Amanda introduced herself.

"Ah yes, I had heard about you. Could you come to my office tomorrow?" The general manager invited her to come to his office.

Amanda agreed to his proposal. She was eager to meet this man because she was curious about what would happen to her after the meeting. Amanda crossed her fingers and hoped for good news. 

On the day of the meeting...

"Good morning, Sir. My name is Amanda. I called you the other day. How do you do?" She politely greeted him.

"Good morning. I am fine. Thank you very much. So, Mr. Patrick mentioned that you would like to do an internship. Which division would you prefer to work in?" He inquired with a charismatic voice.

"Hmm, Sir, may I try public relations?" Amanda requested firmly.

"Sure, you may." He quickly responded.

"How long do you think it would be best for me to do the internship, Sir?" Amanda was curious as to how long it would take for her.

"You have a master's degree, don't you? I believe three months is sufficient." The general manager shared his thoughts.

He then dialed the public relation manager's office extension and requested that she come to his office right away. Amanda and the general manager, continued chatting while waiting for the public relations manager to arrive.

A few minutes later...

"Do you call me Sir?" the public relations manager inquired.

"Yes. This lady wants to intern at your division. Please assist her." The general manager gave her a mandate.

The general manager returned his glances to Amanda.

"Can you start in two weeks?" He confirmed.

Amanda was taken aback because it was too quick for her to begin but she agreed because it was a good opportunity to seize, and she did not want to pass it up.

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