New Chapter

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Amanda felt compelled to inform the world that she would be flying to Australia. Ronan was the first-person Amanda contacted. She notified him that she had been hired and that she would see him soon. She was excited to meet him in person as they had only communicated over the phone the previous time.

"Hello Ronan. I have something to tell you. I have gotten the job! And the most amazing thing is that I will be assigned to work in Australia. So, I will be meeting you soon! We will be colleagues." Amanda texted Ronan enthusiastically.

"Wow, that is cool. Congratulations! So, when are you flying here?" Ronan inquired about her planned departure date.

"On August 31st, three months from now." Amanda gave the exact date.

"Alright, I will see you soon. I will meet you up at the airport." Ronan offered to pick her up at the airport.

The next person Amanda informed was her father. She told him that she was leaving for Australia to pursue her dream job. She was pleased to have shown her father that she could travel to Australia with her own money and that it was far better compared to a homestay. She even demonstrated that she landed her dream job. It was like killing two birds with one stone! 

Her father supported her decision because he finally realized that he could not force his children, especially his daughter. He could see Amanda was adamant and never renounced her dream for years. She could not be stopped once she got her heart set on something. He could also tell Amanda was discontented with the job he wanted her daughter to have.

Another important thing Amanda needed to address was her current job. Amanda proposed resigning, and she received full support from the clinic manager. There was no formal farewell, but she maintained cordial relations with all members of the staff. She finished her job on a high note.

Not only resigning, Amanda packed everything she needed for her trip. She made appointments with her friends and spent as much time as she could with them before leaving, knowing that she might not see them again. She also remembered her professor, without whom she would not have gotten this far and had intention to thank her professor in person. But unfortunately, she heard that the professor had died. She could not believe it happened to him because she felt as if she had just consulted him yesterday. She was saddened because she did not have a chance to thank him. She could only express her heartfelt gratitude to her professor and hope that he was in a better place.

Finally, the day Amanda had been waiting for had arrived. Amanda was driven to the airport by her family and friends. Before she walked to the immigration hall, she hugged them and cried as she had to leave everything behind. She was going to miss them terribly, but at the same time, she was also excited to visit her dream country. 

Amanda then continued to walk to the immigration hall with new hope while waiving goodbye to them. 

A few minutes later...

"Your attention please, passenger of Qantas on flight number QZ 357 to Melbourne, please boarding from gate A6. Thank you." The announcement directed all passengers to Melbourne to board the plane as soon as possible.

Amanda became increasingly nervous but it was a good nervousness. She proceeded to the gate and got on the plane while doing some breathing exercises to calm herself. 

At last, the plane took off and as she looked out the window and saw her country fade away, she felt as if she were entering a new world. She was ready to begin a new chapter in her life. 

*Continue to wish upon a star and believe that your day will come... 


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy my story. Please accept my apologies for any imperfections in this writing; I am still working on improving my writing skills.

Please continue to encourage me to write more and do not forget to follow me on Instagram @kapuapage 😊

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