End of Training

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While doing her internship, Amanda still had to work as a doctor because she felt she could not change her job until everything was in place. And also that internship did not even pay her half the minimum wage. So, she still needed the funds to make ends meet. In fact, she did not mind being paid too little because her only concern was to reach her goal, and all she needed was experience for her portfolio, a network, and most importantly, the opportunity to learn.

Fortunately, the schedule between her internship and her current work was manageable. So, she could do both at the same time, despite the fact that it was extremely exhausting for her and caused her to lose a lot of weight. But that was fine with her because her motivation to achieve her dream was much greater than her pain. 

Throughout her internship, all of her co-workers were aware of her background and were surprised to learn about her current job. They all thought she was insane for trying to quit her job because they thought it was a well-paying and prestigious position. But she ignored them because she was adamant and knew exactly what she wanted.

Amanda even told one of her work colleagues about her passion and dream job. When this colleague heard Amanda's story, he mentioned that he had a friend named Ronan who worked for a company that she was interested in. He was willing to connect Amanda and Ronan, so he gave Ronan's phone number. Amanda, thoughtlessly, decided to contact him immediately, but Amanda was sensible enough not to engage in a more in-depth discussion about her dream job just yet. Instead, she engaged in a casual conversation, like saying "hello".

Three months finally arrived and the internship was coming to an end. Amanda was approached by the public relations manager and she asked if Amanda wanted to work for the company. If that was the case, she would notify the Human Resource Division and the general manager. However, Amanda was dubious of the offer and somehow she had a feeling that something better was on the way for her. She went with her gut instinct instead and politely turned down the offer.

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