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One day, her father showed up with a university medical admission form, which he handed to her to complete. He mentioned the entrance exam date and asked Amanda to be prepared for that day. Amanda just had to obey and could not question it at all. 

On the day of the admission test, he drove Amanda to this university, which was located in another city. Amanda purposefully filled in the incorrect answers during the test. Despite this, she passed the test and received an excellent score, which meant she did not have to pay the full fund because there was a substantial discount for candidates who achieved a certain score.

At the same time, Amanda received scholarships from several universities on the subject she preferred. However, her father refused to enroll her in one of those universities, insisting that she pursue a medical profession instead. Alvin even paid the tuition fee to this medical university without first consulting Amanda!

Amanda was helpless and had no choice but to abide her father's wishes. Being raised in Asian culture, Amanda prioritized respect for her parents. Not to mention that she did not live in a western country where she could work part time and earn enough money to cover her own tuition. So, it was a very delicate situation for her.

At the end, Amanda had to study something she despised! Not to add that completing a medical degree could take years and that the subjects were challenging. Every time she had an exam, she would study hard late into the night while crying since the material was difficult.

Yet so, she still studied well. There were several students in the same school who were also forced to take this degree by their parents. They skipped classes or headed in the wrong direction, resulting in them graduating after more than ten years or not even finishing their studies.

Amanda did not want to follow in their footsteps since she believed it was her obligation to make her family proud and that if she did not study well, she would waste her time and be eaten by the passage of time. She planned to graduate as soon as possible so that she could begin pursuing her own dreams and aspirations. Her classmates occasionally misunderstood her. Amanda was believed to be quite ambitious by them. But, in reality, she was in such a hurry to get out of there because she felt as if she was in hell.

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