New Hope

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Amanda was finally able to complete her medical studies on time. She immediately pursued a master's degree in hospitality or service management, a field she had always wanted to study but had been forbidden to do so by her father. She did not seek permission from her father for the subject she chose this time because she was still working in a field that her father requested. She felt she had fulfilled her responsibility and she deserved to be happy this time. So, it was time for her to follow her passion.

She was as busy as a bee, working and studying. She did not even have time to socialize. Every weekday was spent working and every weekend was spent studying for a career change. But, she was not tired at all because it was a subject she enjoyed, and she realized that she needed to make preparations because she lacked necessary degree and experience to work in a field in which she had always desperately wish to work in.

Amanda completed her master's degree in two years. And in order to alleviate her confusion about how to begin working in the related field, Amanda decided to approach her professor and asked for advice.

"Good afternoon, Professor. My name is Amanda. I am a former student of yours. May I seek your advice?" Amanda went up to her professor. She chose to approach this professor over all others because he was a good and helpful professor.

"Hello Amanda!" How may I assist you?" The professor was willing to listen.

"I am very interested in working in the hospitality or tourism industry because it is my passion. But for the time being, I am a doctor. And I do not think it is possible for me. Because I have no relevant experience, no company would hire me." Amanda expressed her frustration.

"Perhaps you could do an internship?" The professor proposed a realistic solution.

"Is it possible for me Prof?" Amanda inquired for more information.

"Oh, I have a former student who works at the hotel. I can contact him first and get back to you." The professor responded.

Amanda was delighted to hear that because it gave her hope even though she had no clue how it would end. 

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