Mission Accomplished

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After completing her internship, Amanda had a more in-depth conversation with Ronan. She questioned him extensively about the company for which he was currently working and how to join with the company. The corporation had numerous branches all over the world. So, by working with this company, she faced the possibility of being assigned abroad. The idea of going abroad piqued her interest. However, getting this job would be difficult because she would have to compete with a large number of other candidates who were also interested in the position.

Ronan advised her to send her resume to the company directly. That was the only advise Ronan could offer. He could not offer much assistance, but he did share his experience from the time he applied to this company until he started working there. As insignificant as the assistance may have been, but it was still very beneficial to Amanda. Amanda decided to send her resume to this company after receiving sufficient briefing. It was either now or never and she had to take a leap of faith. 

Two months after submitting her CV, Amanda suddenly received a phone call from the company to which she had applied. She was called up to the office to take the first entrance test along with 1000 other candidates. The number of competitors she had to face appeared daunting, but just being called up to do the first step had given her a glimmer of hope, and she believed that the door to what was most important to her was beginning to open.

Assume Amanda passed the first step, the torture did not cease there. She would still have to go through other lengthy procedures. However, Amanda managed to pass test after test and she finally advanced to the final stage where she would be interviewed directly by several members of the board of management. During this stage, she would be assigned to work in one of the international branch offices.

When she applied for this job, she could not choose which branch she wanted to work in because it was dependent on which branch had openings vacancies at the time; it was "a take it or leave it" scenario. She would have no idea where she was going to be assigned until these members of the board of management told her.

She did not have high hopes for the work location because she desperately wanted to leave her country. So, as long as she was abroad, she would be ready. She had a destination country in mind, Australia, and coincidentally, this was the location where Ronan was working at the time.

Amanda was nervously waiting for the board of management to call her name. She walked back and forth while chanting a prayer in a low voice to calm herself. Suddenly, from a distance, she heard the sound of a man calling her name.

"Amanda? Please come into the office". In a deep voice, the man addressed her.

As she entered the room and saw the board of management which consisted of three people, she became more nervous because she felt as if she were on trial. She tried her best to remain calm. She sat down in the chair after being invited to do so and they began to ask her some light questions before finally informing her that she had been offered a job in Australia. Amanda was surprised as she could not believe that her dream had come true. Just by hearing the word "Australia", she felt ecstasy in every cell of her body. 

"Yes, Ma'am and Sir, I accept the offer. Thank you very much." Amanda agreed to take the job. Even though she was overjoyed, she tried to maintain a professional demeanor in front of the board of management. 

Immediately after leaving the board management room, she went to a quite place, where no one was around. She then jumped for joy and screamed without raising her voice. She felt like she was on top of the world because she had been looking forward to visiting this dream country for 17 years and "Australia" finally came before her eyes! 

Amanda had only expected to participate in a homestay program, but it exceeded her expectations. She could even stay there for a long time and even settle down. And the best part was that she was finally able to leave her job as a doctor.

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