Chapter 23

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Viktoriya's POV

The cold stung my skin, its bite nipping at my very bones. The fur coat wasn't enough to shield me from the icy wind whipping my hair and turning my ears painfully red. I shivered and buried my neck deeper into the coat.

"Y..ou should've chos...en some..thing warmer." Jesper got out, his teeth chattering noisily.

"We're supposed to be deck hands!" I shouted, my voice muffled by the coat.

"Then...a...bette..r profession perhap..s?" He argued.

"Save your breath. We'll be there soon." I mumbled, looking at his tailored face. Genya had done the best she could in a limited amount of time to Jesper, Wylan and I. Kaz..well, he refused to have his face touched by Genya's nimble fingers so, now we have to take extra care as to not be recognized.

The ship rocked due to the choppy waves beneath and came to a halt at a harbour. The stench of guttted fish and unwashed sailors hit my nose like a ton of bricks. Fjerda seemed to be thriving even after a crushing defeat. Shouts and laughter echoed in the pubs as we scurried to the market square of Djerholm, sheilding ourselves from unwanted attention.


"Elisa?" A rather familiar feminine voice called. I turned to look at the source, a young woman with icy blonde hair, only a shade lighter than mine, her glacier eyes piercing with familiarity.

"Mila Jandersdat?" I questioned, noting her braided hair.

"Ne Korol Rezni!" The woman whispered, drawing near. I repeated the statement. She gave me a tiny smile and looked at the three men who followed me. Her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of Kaz beneath the hood.

"Brekker!? What in the world are you doing here?" She whisper shouted, dragging me deeper into the delicious warmth of the deserted warehouse. Wylan stayed outside to keep gaurd. Yes, I definitely knew her.

"Nina!? You are the informant?" I whisper shouted, happiness blooming on my face.

"Vanessa!? You brought the entire gang I see." Nina exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug.

"It's Viktoriya now."I corrected, hugging her back.

"Whatever. This is a wonderful surprise! I dare not hope, but did you bring me any waffles from Ketterdam? Fjerdans have no taste in food whatsoever." She complained, roling her eyes. I was happy to see her back as her old self, charming and sweet. I thought we had lost her after Matthias' death. I hugged her again and Jesper chuckled.

"We are here because the Ravkans said you have information on their king." Kaz said, getting straight to the point.

"Yes. Do you know of Magnus Opjer?" She asked, looking at me and I nooded. Nikolai had told me about his Fjerdan heritage.

"Good, I have his location and information about what they are planning to do with him. I think he is on our side, kept under house arrest against his will, yet he has much influence over the proceedings at court. Talk to him about his son and the party they are planning for tommorow evening. I will get you four inside." Nina explained looking us in the eye and handing over a blueprint. 

Brekker took it, peering over the words written in fjerdan, then handed it to me. I memorized the path to Opjer's mansion then tossed the paper into the fireplace to avoid any tracing.

"Thank you." I told Nina and walked out of the safeplace. We had a house to break into.


The streets were serene, the only sound was of the wind making eerie noises. The pristine neighbourhood was lackluster, anticipating the storm or abandoned for the festival at the Ice Court. I had no idea what they were celebrating....the loss of thousands of lives perhaps. Only a glossy white mansion showed signs of life, the murming and rhythmic marching of the guards, and the candescent chandeliers that could be seen through the large windows.

Another equally large, but dilapidated and wooden structure stood a few yards away. It was a warehouse for the shipping magnate, checked regularly to prevent Magnus Opjer from warning the Ravkans or asking for help. Naturally, the less important structure was the object of our attention.

I nodded at Wylan and he sprinted accross the neatly trimmed meadow to the candle-lit warehouse. I shrouded him with my shadows and he blended in perfectly with the starless night. Jesper raised his brows while Kaz paid no heed. He stared at the amount of guards patrolling the premises, there were quite a lot. I hoped the distraction would work.

I thickened the shadows around Wylan as all the candles extinguished. A clattering noise sounded, loud enough to attract the interest of the guards. Some of them marched towards the warehouse, rifles at ready.

"Are you sure he won't be hurt?" Jesper asked, nervousness dimming his usual bright demeanour.

"Shhhhhhh." Brekker replied.

As soon as the guards reached the entrance, the warehouse went up in flames. Scorching hot and all consuming, it swirled rapidly around the wooden structure with hues of scarlet, gold and icy blue at the tips. I encased Wylan in shadows, protecting him from the onlsaught as Jesper and Kaz hurried towards the marble mansion.

Another volley of guards hurried to the scene, carrying buckets of water. But it won't be enough to put out the lumiya, courtesy of Wylan. Just as I felt him get safely away from the raging flames, I switched my attention to Jesper and Brekker, while sprinting after them.

No one was standing at the door, their attention completely on putting out the lumiya. Nevertheless, we weren't taking any chances so, we went to the backyard. My heart was beating loudly, thrilled by our actions.

"How are we getting in?" Jesper asked.

"I will pick the lock on the second storey window. You climb in after me." Kaz instructed.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, looking at his crane.

"Worry about yourself." Kaz replied and dropped his cane onto the grass. The mansion was not that tall so, it wasn't impossible for people who weren't Inej Ghafa. I could see Brekker struggling to ascend, his gloved hands slipping often, but he held on and reached the room. Swinging the large window open, he signaled us to follow and jumped inside, making rich, mellow music float outside.


"We mean you no harm." Kaz said in his raspy voice, holding a well dressed fjerdan by the throat. His golden hair was streaked with grey, lines surrounding blue eyes and beard coated his jaw.

The man chuckled and croaked out, pointing at two guards lying on the floor."I think your actions contradict that."

His laugh, like some sugary confection melting in the sun was so much like Nikolai's. I felt a pang in my chest, I would see him soon. "Do as we say and you won't get hurt." I ordered and tossed Kaz his cane.


So sorry for the delay....had a bit of a writer's block!

And hold your breath guys......only two more chapters to go!!!! :)))))

Couldn't have done it without you all!

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