Everything About You

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Okaaaay I'm officially the worst at updating omg...so a few things

a.) Zayn's gone and my heart is breaking but I'm glad he's helping himself get better and devoting more time to being with Perrie

b.) This chapter introduces new and old ideas so if you need some clarification, drop me a line

c.) I'll try to update faster (I know I say this all the time but I'm trying)

Okay that's all...hope you enjoy and tell me what you think! Love you all! xx Len


It was twelve years ago. That was the night Ella swore that she would always protect me.

“Everything’s gonna be alright,” Ella whispered as she stroked my hair. I was only six years old, still sitting on my sister’s lap and we rode around on the train at three a.m. Dad had a little too much to drink and Mom didn’t want us there while they argued. I was pulling my fingers through Ella’s long, soft brown hair and she sung to me. “Ella will take care of you.”

We got home and Mom and Dad were standing in the living room angrily. Mom took me out of Ella’s arms and rocked me protectively. Ella and Evan, being my half siblings who were thirteen years older than me, felt a parental protection over me and my mother and father were becoming alarmed. They often stole me out of the house to take me places but without their knowledge. Of course, my parents were grateful to have such loving siblings for their only child together, they were trying to be parents together and Evan and Ella weren’t letting them.

“Ella,” Mom said strongly as she clutched me close. “Don’t ever take Everly without telling me again. I am tired of being worried sick about where you steal her off to. If you do this again, you won’t be allowed to see her anymore. You too, Evan.” Dad nodded in agreement. I remember the standoff vividly. Ella’s face turned red and Evan clenched his fists.

“You can’t keep us away from her!” Ella shrieked. “I’m her sister!”

“And I am her mother! And he is her father!” Mom yelled back. Ella tried to snatch me out of Mom’s arms, but Dad caught her wrist.

“Ella Marie,” Dad said slowly. “Do not.” She lowered her hand slowly. “Get out of my house. Both of you. I’ll be checking with your mother to tell her why you will not be allowed over anymore.”

“You’re going to regret making us leave, someday,” Evan threatened. “Just wait and see.” Dad pushed them out of the house and I ran to the window to watch them leave. I banged my little hand on the glass and cried.

“Ella!” I yelled. She ran to the window and placed her hand against mine. “Evan! Ella! Don’t leave!” Ella’s eyes filled with tears as Mom picked me up and pulled me away from the window.

“You can’t keep us away from her!” Ella screamed again. “I’ll kill you before you keep her from me!” Mom shut the blinds, locked all the doors, and called the police. That was the last time I saw them until my younger sister, Margo was born. Ella and Evan made amends with my parents and became a huge part of our lives. Then when Meredith was born three years later, they earned my parents trust back.

One night when I was seventeen, Margo was eight, and Meredith was barely five, they stole us. We were spending the night at Ella’s house as we often did when our parents were away on vacation and Evan came over. We were jumping around him excitedly since he lived in Washington now and barely saw us anymore. While we were distracted, Ella was frantically packing everything of ours that was at her house and running all of our belongings to Evan’s work van. Then, they herded us into it and took off. Ella withdrew all of her money from the bank and a weird feeling began to stir in my stomach. We left Beverly Hills. Then we left West Hollywood. Then we left LA. Then we left Southern California altogether.

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