I Would

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, I'm in the middle of a move back to the US again so please forgive me! So tell me what you think of this chapter and the next one should be out soon! (P.S. Picture of Harry and Perrie on the side) x :)

The next morning at around ten, we all went to Harry’s house to set up for the party. A wrench was thrown into our plans when Harry’s real dad came around and made us watch his little sister. He and his wife were going out of town and Anne agreed that it would be fine if we took care of her. So while everyone was setting up, I had to keep my finger hooked through the three year old’s belt loop to keep her from running off while I rang Gemma to ask her to watch her that night.

As much as I loved the kid, I wish I would’ve been paying attention when Niall called “nose goes” on who had to watch her. She was a recipe for trouble and truly the sneakiest thing I’d ever lain eyes upon. Looked like an angel, but worked like a fox.

“Gem, you’ve got to take care of her Maisie tonight,” I begged. “I’ll do anything—I’ll wash your car for a year.”

“As tempting as that sounds, I can’t give you a definite answer right now. Give me a few hours and I’ll tell you,” she said hastily.

Hours? Gemma, no, please—,” She hung up before I could offer her my soul.

“Perrie, let go,” she whined. I picked her up and stood her up straight so she was looking right at me.

“Margaret Louise Styles, you listen to me,” I said sternly. “I don’t want any trouble from you or you’ll be in the longest time out you’ve ever had.” She smiled up at me mysteriously.

“Ice cream?” she asked, her brown eyes wide and cherubic. She drove a hard bargain.

“You’ll get your ice cream, you’ll get a movie, and you’ll get a nap,” I promised. She jumped up and down excitedly as she pulled me to the kitchen. And maybe a sleeping pill.


“So go over the plan one more time,” Niall said as we stocked the basement. I huffed impatiently.

“Alright, so Carmichael is definitely coming tonight. Liam is going to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t mess with any of the girls but at the same time make sure he gets drunk. Paul Lock is the designated driver tonight, so once he leaves, Carmichael leaves. Then, the three of us get in the sedan and follow them to wherever they’re going. When they get there, we’ll be able to ambush them and if they stop to confront us, we’ll be able to distract Paul and get Carmichael,” I said quickly.

“And then what?” Zayn asked.

“Then we’ll do what we can,” I said vaguely.

“And what are we going to do about Maisie?” Niall asked. I grimaced. I loved my little sister, but the timing of her arrival could not have come at a worse time. “Maybe we can ask Mrs. Rosenthal to—,”

“Very funny,” I snapped. I wouldn’t have that woman within spitting distance of my sister, or more importantly, my body.

“Let’s just get ready, man,” Zayn laughed. We finished setting up and sat down to watch Finding Nemo with Perrie and my sister.

“Just keep swimming!” Maisie chirped at random points in the movie. “Keep swimming! Just keep swimming!”

“Maisie, shut up!” Niall huffed.

“Bad word,” she scolded as she scooped ice cream into her mouth. “Say you’re sorry, Ni Ni.”

“No no,” he mocked. She took a heaping spoonful of ice cream and plopped it in his hair.

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