Does He Know

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Oh my goodness, I forgot a chapter! Sorry, the one I posted before will be deleted and reposted later! Thanks a billion to DarcyLA for telling me! Sorry again! x


I was waiting impatiently for Perrie to come out. It was only 4:06 but those were six minutes in which she could've been hurt or in trouble. I wanted to text her but I didn't want to annoy her. I tapped my fingers quickly on the dashboard and glanced happily at the picture of her. She had her head thrown back in laughter and her blue eyes sparkled brilliantly. Her smile made me smile and that playful look in her eyes made me fall in love with her a million times a day.

Lately I hadn't seen that look in her eye. She wasn't my Perrie. She was pale and sick and distant and snappy and cold and guarded. When I hugged her, she shivered. When I searched for that look, all I found was pain and secrets and tears. When I kissed her, I could tell that she wanted to tell me what was happening to her, but she was scared. I didn't like that she wasn't eating. She lied to me and even when she promised to eat, I knew that she didn't. I wanted to protect her but she put her walls up so high that I couldn't get through to her. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and pretend that they were enough to protect her from herself.

4:19. I jumped out of the car and ran into the building. She got a detention in German, so the first place I could think to look was the language department. I stopped moving so I could hear anything that happened to shift. I quietly pulled my phone out and rang her so that I could at least hear the vibrations. No luck. However, someone answered.

"Malik," a smug voice said. "Looks like I got your girl. I told you all I needed was fifteen minutes." James fucking Carmichael. I almost crushed the phone in my hand, but I could hear my girlfriend whimpering on the other side of the line.

"Where are you?" I roared. "If you laid a finger on her-,"

"Relax, I haven't stolen the little lamb's virtue," he mocked piously. "She's in 109." He hung up and I ran as fast as I could to the other side of the school. 109 was usually where people went to hook up during the school day, but it was terrifying when the lights were off. I kicked the door open and heard her sobbing.

"Babe," I said quietly. Her sobs got louder. I reached for the light switch but she stopped me.

"Don't turn them on," she begged me. "Please, I can't see myself and I don't want you to see me."

"What did he do to you?" I demanded, feeling my way tentatively across the room to her. I found her and sat beside her and she curled into my embrace weakly. "Did he touch you?" She nodded gently.

"I tried to fight him off and he said the next time, it won't be a game. If I try to fight back, he'll just hold me down harder. He said he would kill me if I didn't let him do what he wanted to me and that's when you rang me," she admitted. I held her tightly as she cried.

"What else did he say?" I asked. Her sobs got more and more uncontrollable.

"He called me a 'fat fucking skank', quote unquote," she said. At least her sense of humor was starting to show again. "He called me a whore and he said that you just wanted to sleep with me until you got bored. And when I still fought him off, he said that I didn't deserve anyone to love me. And he's right." She cried into my shoulder and my heart broke.

"Baby, I love you. I love you so incredibly much and you're absolutely perfect in every way. I wish I could make you feel how much I love you and you'd never doubt it again. Please, Pez, you need to realize how amazing you are." She just tightened her hold on me. "Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No," she mumbled. "Let's just go." When I pulled her into the light, I could see the marks that prick had left on her perfect skin. I lit a cigarette and blew the smoke out of the car window as we whizzed to her house. She squeezed my hand and looked at the cigarette curiously.

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