I Wish

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Hi everyone, here is the update I promised to put up "soon". I hope you like it, comment and tell me what you think! Love you all xx Lennie


Mia's long, curly brownish blonde hair was tied into a messy ponytail and her green eyes stared at me knowingly.

"What a cute little outing," she commented. "Is that Perrie? I should go and say hello."

"Mia," I warned, snatching to ball out of her hands. "Enough."

"What?" she asked innocently. "You don't think she'd care to know who her boyfriend hooked up with?"

"Leave us alone. For God's sake, I'm trying to help her heal and I'm trying to be good to her. Can't you understand that?" I pleaded.

"Z?" Perrie called in concern from across the field. We both glanced at her and I thought that I saw a shred of sympathy flash through Mia's eyes, but she blinked it away.

"I'll see you later, Zayn." She jogged off with her earbuds plugged in defiantly. I exhaled deeply and ran back over to Perrie. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were cold.

"Why were you talking to her for so long?" she asked. "What was it about?"

"Nothing, babe. Come on, let's keep playing," I urged. She stared at me intrusively and I was terrified that she could see the truth. After about ten seconds (which felt like hours), she blinked and looked away from me.

"I think I want to go home, Zayn," she clipped.

"Pooh bear, look, it was nothing. If it was, I would tell you. Don't you believe me?"

"No," she said immediately. "Take me home." She turned on her heel and I grabbed her arm roughly.

"Perrie, please tell me what you think I was talking to her about." Her face turned red.

"Maybe about the rumors that you hooked up with her during those twelve hours that we were broken up." I could feel my face fall. "So please take me home." I ran my hand over my face because I did not feel like fighting with her. As if the universe wanted things to get worse, Mia came sauntering back over.

"What?" I snapped.

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" she smirked.

"I'm in the car, Zayn," Perrie said, turning her back without addressing Mia.

"Don't turn your back for too long now, Perrie," Mia called. "His eyes might start wandering." Perrie froze and clenched her fists tightly. "But go on to the car. I'll take good care of him! I always do."

"Shut up!" I hissed. Perrie was visibly shaking. She turned around slowly.

"Excuse me?" she said steadily.

"I think you heard me loud and clear. Why don't you run off again so I can talk to Zayn? I think we have some unfinished business to take care of."

"Mia, I'm warning you for your own good to shut up," I said. She rolled her eyes.

"What's she gonna do, bleed on me?" she mocked, pointing at the scars on Perrie's wrists and thighs. "Let's face it-we all know nothing's keeping you two together. You might as well just drive home with me, Z. At least I'm worth more than that."

"Mia, I thought that you were so nice, but now I can see the truth. You're the meanest person I've ever met," Perrie said suddenly. "And that's saying something because, for God's sake, I've known Rebecca Ferguson for twelve years. Why can't you just leave us alone? What the hell have I ever done to you?"

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