Chapter One

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The city of Andross was in ruin.
Plumes of thick, black smoke consumed the wintery gray sky, poisoning the air it touched from the hissing flames encroaching upon the heavens. The unfettered light illuminated the scorched city, complementing the glowing, orange horizon.
The townspeople panicked in disarray. They swarmed the cobbled streets, several crying out the names of their loved ones as they abandoned their burning homes. Mothers hastily grabbed hold of their children and followed their husbands' lead as they escaped through the labyrinthine streets.
The elderly and the weak were among those left behind in the stampede. The clambering crowds pushed each other to the ground. Those that were unable to regain their stance were crushed beneath the hurried and indifferent footsteps. A few others, however, stayed and watched the attack from afar.
Rows of harsh flames engulfed the wooden Tudor houses and shops. Each building's roof revealed a blackened, skeletal infrastructure burning away underneath. Hot ash and smoke blew into the wind, desperately grasping to the current but receiving no harsh pushback of air. Openings in the windows and roofs of many buildings let fire escape.
Armored knights, who bore the kingdom's insignia on their breastplates, galloped on their horses over the bridge and into the city up in flames. The ground shook from the rescuing army's sheer size, which numbered around a hundred thousand. The clanking of their horses' armor overpowered the townspeople's screams and the thundering of the collapsing homes.
A loud screech that tore through the entire city had everyone looking up. High above in the air hovered the malevolent form of a gargantuan black dragon, with dagger-like scales and eyes emanating a fiery red glow. On the creature's enormous back was seated a hooded man in a black cloak. Camouflaged by the dragon's black hide, he was barely visible but for his face.
Clamoring armor and screams reverberated in the air while many of the knights jumped off their horses. They reached for the bow and arrows in the quivers strapped to their backs. Aiming at the dragon, they took their shots at the winged beast, but their concentrated arrows bounced off its thick hide, breaking in half as they fell to the ground.
"Our attacks have no effect on the dragon!" one of the Knights cried out.
"We must keep fighting!" said another.
The dragon blew a stream of blazing hot fire at the armored warriors, setting nearly every one of them ablaze. The Knights screamed in agonizing pain while their smoldering, heated carcasses released a noxious odor into the air.
The hooded man focused his mind, summoning an unnatural dark power, wispy and nebulous, into both palms of his hands. He forged the vile energy into a large, fiery ball and flung it toward the stone structure. The spherical inferno struck a damaged section of the castle, causing stone debris to shatter before plummeting downward.
The winged serpent spat another raging stream of fire that caused more debris to rain over the ground. The flying monster snarled at the workers hiding inside the castle. Silent terror permeated the towering stone structure amongst all who witnessed the mythical beast.
It lunged at the workers with its mouth wide open, reaching into a crowded area of the castle where Human and Elf workers resided. Snapping out of their paralyzing fear, many workers attempted to run from the impending wrath of the monster. They tripped as they went, falling face-first to the ground. The dragon grabbed several of the workers in its jaw with swords for teeth before swiftly crushing them into bloody pulps. 
"The people of this mortal, filthy city will pay an agonizing price for their sins," announced the hooded man. "I stake my vengeance to this entire city. I will watch it burn. Their dragon god cannot save them. Witness a true dragon, in all of its glorious splendor!"
They set their sights back on the ruined castle, flying to the highest level, before another raging stream of fire was shot, fueling the flames licking and incinerating the colossal fortification. With all of its might, the dragon dug its nails into the stone walls with its sharp talons, ripping off large chunks and letting them plummet to the ground. The fallen wall revealed a figure standing tall and fearless.
Gallantly glaring at the harbinger of destruction, with his weapon raised and ready, was King Arturion. His iron armor, blackened with soot, rose and fell with his every breath as he stood steadfast. The dragon dug its talons into the crumbled, stone wall and climbed farther into the bed-chamber.
Ashes and dust blew into the king when the mighty beast exhaled a deep, hot breath from its narrow nostrils in a display of fearsome anger. King Arturion stood his ground against the beast and tightened his grip on his weapons as he prepared for the fight of his life. While cold fear flooded through his many loyal subjects' bodies, King Arturion remained still and steady. He stood with his feet locked into a battle-ready stance and a fiery passion in his eyes.
The dragon snarled viciously, hot smoke swirling from its mouth. The haziness of it clouded the bed-chamber.
"I should've known that you were up to this, Jarek. But even then, I didn't want to believe that you would stoop so low as to attack a peaceful and innocent city," said King Arturion.
"You were unwise to not expect my return, Arturion," said Jarek.
King Arturion looked at the dragon. "I see your mount is no ordinary creature roaming in Aesorin."
"My tool to your destruction is in the form of what you and this entire kingdom worship: a dragon," said Jarek with a twisted wide grin over his face.
"You blaspheme the entire foundation of the Druvvalic religion. You've corrupted this dragon to become your slave. You truly know no bounds."
"Bounds? And what do YOU know of bounds? I'll ask once: Where is your son, Kieran?"
"Safe from you. What is your plan here?"
"In time, the world will know."
The black dragon roared. Arturion flinched at its call. The dragon lunged at Arturion, grabbing him in its talons before pulling him outside of the castle and his personal quarters.
The king swiped his blade at the creature's talons, missing with every slash of the sword. A deafening roar rent the air asunder as the dragon buried its claws deep into Arturion's golden armor. Several dents and scratches appeared across the once flawless, sturdy armor.
Feeling his breath constricting, King Arturion lost the grip of his blade. The sword slipped from his hand, plunging towards the ground, it landed with a clattering thud.
Hearing the commotion from the king's quarters, Arturion's knights stormed up the castle's steps before bursting into the king's bed-chamber. They stared wide-eyed from underneath their helmets, their legs cemented into the ground. Fear clenched their hearts, making them jittery and jumpy.
Arturion noticed his knights enter the room. He struggled to move while in the dragon's tight grip. His teeth were clenched as he gritted them, his lips quivered violently. Pushing himself with all his strength, Arturion's neck turned as he looked down at the bottom of his castle to see his city in flames and ruin.
"Jarek," uttered King Arturion weakly. "Even if you kill me, you won't gain the advantage. You'll be hunted down for all of your days. A warrior will come to take my place and defeat you. The damage you've done here to my home, to my people, to our way of life is irreparable."
"I'm well prepared for all of that. Tell me where your son is."
"How do you know about Kieran?" asked King Arturion.
"Your brother, Theron. He told me everything," replied Jarek.
King Arturion softly laughed under his breath.
Jarek leered at King Arturion. "Fool. Why are you laughing? You must be overcome with terror. You know your death is inevitable."
"I'm laughing because both my brother and you are fools. I won't tell you anything."
Jarek sneered. "Change is coming. My plans will never be altered."
King Arturion gasped in pain when the enormous talons tightened around him. His bones crunched, and blood dripped from his quivering, parted lips as the dragon squeezed the life from his body. Blood spurted out of King Arturion's mouth and nose. It gushed and splattered all over his armor as his body went limp and lifeless.
The dragon let out a violent, loud screech that tore throughout the castle and city. It sent harsh airwaves into the sky before swinging its long tail at the castle's remaining portion. The attack's force caused the stone structure to crumble completely, spraying debris over the castle's knights.
Helpless, the king's knights that remained outside of the castle watched the fearsome dragon carry off with the king's unmoving, broken body in its sharp talons. The city's knights and townspeople gathered together as tears welled in their eyes and trickled down their cheeks.
* * *
The Brightwood Forest stretched for miles on end. Sun rays beamed through curved branches, and bright, blossoming flowers imparted life to the otherwise brown and green terrain. A medley of noises, coming from insects and wild deer, resonated through the air, backed by the rustling of swaying treetops in the wind. The sounds harmonized with the catfish, trout, and bass splashing in a nearby lake. Leaves crunched beneath the weight of heavy feet that echoed throughout the woods, loud enough to alert nearby wildlife as the creature left a large print in the ground. The footprints carved into the forest's surface belonged to a giant orc.
Booming footsteps rattled the trees as the orc journeyed further into the woods. After walking deep enough into the forest, he found Kieran, a human searcor and gang member of the Red Skull Marauders, standing in the wilderness.
"Utorg, I see that you've made it," said Kieran.
"I see that you've brought me out of the village alehouse and into the forest. I gave up my next drink to be here; this had better be good."
"I wouldn't invite you to such a remote location if it weren't important."
"Well, out with it then. You know that I have little patience."
"I'll cut to the chase then and tell you that I cannot stay in Brookshire any longer with Fenyl and you."
Utorg raised his eyebrows curiously.
    "What do you mean? Why can't you stay?"
    Kieran looked into the eyes of the massive dark green orc who shrouded over his vision.
    "Walk with me, Utorg, and I'll tell you."
    As the man and orc trekked together through the forest, long branches danced in the wind. They wandered beneath the forest's massive trees.
Kieran struggled on what to tell his friend and partner-in-crime. He knew he could no longer stay in Brookshire.
He quickly turned to face Utorg, opening his mouth before swiftly closing it and returning his attention back on their path. A chill crept up and down his arms, making the hair stand on end.
"As I said to you before, Utorg, it isn't safe for me to be here in Brookshire any longer," he said, "I have to go. Telling you this is probably the hardest thing that I've ever done."
"Kieran, why do you sound so afraid right now? You're one of the best operatives in the Red Skull Marauders that Greigut has at his disposal. If you go, who will replace you? Are you willing to give up everything that we've worked toward? By leaving, you'll have the entire Thieves Guild on your head."
"I can't stay in a gang like the Red Skull Marauders forever. There are bigger things to worry about. Things even bigger than the Thieves Guild," Kieran sighed.
"You're a damn fool. You know the Guild doesn't take too kindly to defectors," continued Utorg. "Besides, are you sure you want to be on Greigut's bad side? You know well enough what our boss can be like once he loses his temper. I just don't understand why you'd risk his wrath, much less, leave everything you know behind."
"Utorg, you are my closest and truest friend. We've known each other ever since Sarah and I came to Brookshire. I would never try to lie to you. But there's something wrong that you have to know. I've been receiving strong prophetic visions of my father's death."
"Visions? You are abandoning your home and risking tremendous danger based on visions? I know what you will say, that the Tower of Searcors has allowed you to master your magical abilities, and I know that people are always going on about how gifted a searcor you are. But nevertheless, that doesn't mean you cannot be mistaken. I am positive that you are confusing your paranoia with the premonitions of a searcor!"
"That is not possible, my dear friend. I saw these visions as clearly and vividly as I see you. My father cried out in pain. I don't know how my father died in my visions, but I truly believe he has passed away in reality as well. The horrors my visions wrought didn't stop there. The new king who will take my father's place will be my uncle, Theron. He will persecute all those with abilities like mine. Even members of the Order of Drakkun will not be spared from his wrath. I've seen so much bloodshed and violence destined to occur that it terrifies me to my very core."
"This could just be your greatest fears clouding your mind, making you have these visions. I know that you don't like to talk about your past. But here is what I gather from everything you have shared with me over the years. You are an illegitimate child of the king, whose true identity is only known to your parents and your uncle Theron. Your mother was an elf servant, and Theoren has a pathological hatred for elves, which is why your father sent you and your mother in hiding. Not only have you been deprived of your royal birthright, but also the companionship of a father, to whom you have never even spoken. Now, is it at all possible that the past, and the truth, is haunting you through these visions? Perhaps your mind is concocting this delusion so you can deal with the wrong that was done to you because of your uncle's prejudice?"
Kieran clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "I don't know, alright? All I know is that Theron brings with him great pain and suffering during his rule. In my visions, I've seen searcor hunters looking for me."
"Why would searcor hunters look for you? Do you expect me to believe that out of the blue, the most elite warriors in taking down searcors like yourself would come looking for you? And even if they did, who were they sent by?"
Kieran shuddered at the memory he had of the dark future that was to come. "I don't know about that. I just know what I saw."
"Nothing is ever set-in-stone. Especially the future. Things change all the time. You've simply grown paranoid, Kieran. Has your wife objected to your decision of leaving?"
"No. Sarah believes me. We've even begun to help Evelyn suppress her own mystic energy the last few weeks to keep her safe."
"Ah, so you both are still raising that adopted elven girl, I see."
"Yes, why wouldn't we? She's only about four, and she has no other family. She's grown very fond of Sarah and me. She's curious to meet her little brother Amere as well."
"You already know the gender of your baby?"
"Yes, my powers have shown me."
"That could either be a gift or a curse, Kieran. If he inherits your mystic powers, then he could be at risk."
"We won't know for sure until he's born. I have faith that he can lead a normal life without mystic energy or searcor hunters getting in his way."
The sounds of birds chirping in the sky suffused the forest as Kieran and Utorg trudged along.
"Just like the birds flying freely around in the sky, my family and I must do the same. We must be free to move to where it is safe," said Kieran.
"I refuse to believe anyone is after you, much less do I agree with your decision to leave   Brookshire."
"I'm sorry that you disagree with my decision, but I thought it'd be best to tell you here and now. I brought you into the forest so we could be out of eavesdropping ears."
Abruptly, in the distance, Kieran and Utorg heard the muffled sounds of voices talking, chattering voices followed by galloping horses headed towards Kieran and Utorg.
"What's that noise?" asked Kieran, listening closely to the approaching sounds.
"It sounds like horses. Either some villagers have entered the Brightwood Forest, or it's knights on horseback."
The sounds of crunching leaves became louder with every passing second. Kieran and Utorg could hear the continued galloping of horses not far from their location.
"Utorg, we need to hide," whispered Kieran before pointing at a large tree that towered over the others. "Let's hide behind that tree."
"Fine. I'm right behind you. Let's go," said Utorg as he and Kieran hurried towards the tree.
A group of knights dressed in gray plate armor emerged out of the thick cluster of trees. On their chest plates, they had the insignia of searcor hunters.
"Knight-Commander Rorik, do you think the searcor is hiding from us in the woods?" asked one of the knights.
"The searcor could be hiding anywhere in this forest," answered Knight-Commander Rorik.
Commander Rorik unsheathed the long sword resting in its case on his hip before pointing the blade into the woods. "We must be vigilant. Kieran has to be around here somewhere. King Theron wants us to find him and bring Kieran to Theron personally. Alive."
"Do you think we have sufficient training to take him down, Commander? What if he's a sanecro?" asked another knight.
"I'm highly doubtful of that. King Theron hasn't mentioned anything about Kieran dabbling in the dark arts. He's just a searcor."
"It's just that we've heard horror stories from other searcor hunters around Aesorin, who have encountered powerful sanecros, able to devastate entire forces single-handedly with their dark powers. They've even created thralls out of dead men."
"I've heard of the stories too, but we cannot waiver in our mission. We must stand firm in our beliefs. Don't forget your duty and the position you hold. You men have been trained to deal with and contain any user of magical energy. Theron has been clear with his orders on the matter. Men, keep your eyes open and remember your training in case the searcor tries to attack us."
"Commander Rorik, what's so special about this searcor compared to the others?"
"He has ties to the Order of Drakkun and the Tower of Searcor. He threatens the new king is all that I've been told. We should start our search through this area."
"We'll be discovered if those searcor hunters start searching near us," whispered Utorg, turning to Kieran.
"I won't let them discover us, don't worry," said Kieran. "We've got to get out of here."
"How are we supposed to do that when we're surrounded by these searcor hunters?" asked Utorg.
"We have to think of something. The longer we're here, the more likely it is for these hunters to find us."
"We'll have to fight our way out," said Utorg as he slowly pulled out his greatsword that was strapped to his back. "You'll have to use some of your most powerful spells on them if we hope to succeed, Kieran."
Kieran raised his left hand out in front of Utorg, blocking him from leaving their hiding place. "No, these knights aren't ordinary soldiers. They're trained to deal with Searcors, and you'd be no match for them. You'll become overwhelmed. Do you think with your head or just your blade, Utorg?"
"Fine," said Utorg, returning his weapon on his back. "What would you have us do?"
"We need to sneak past them. If we're quiet enough, none of these hunters will ever know we were here."
"First, we need them to move. The hunters are all in the same area talking to each other."
"I've got an idea," said Kieran. "Perhaps I can influence them to move out."
Kieran closed his eyes. He centered his mind and thoughts, focusing on his surroundings. Kieran concentrated on seeing into the minds of the many searcor hunters roaming around a little distance away.
His attention stretched further to Knight-Commander Rorik. Kieran entered into the searcor hunter's mind. Flashes of memories shared by Rorik became apparent to Kieran. His thoughts became Kieran's as their minds linked.
"You will have your men follow you far away from this place," said Kieran suggestively.
Knight-Commander Rorik paused.
"Knight-Commander Rorik, you will leave this place with your searcor hunters," the voice said.
"Who is this? This is a searcor trick," said Commander Rorik in his head.
"It's Kieran. The searcor you're looking for," the voice responded.
"Get out of my head, searcor. On orders of King Theron, you are under arrest. You have ties to that bloody dragon Order. You're also a rogue searcor outside the Tower of Searcors."
"If you want to find me, you'll have to look elsewhere into the forest."
Rorik clenched his fists tightly before shaking his head. "Leave my mind," said Commander Rorik, with an authoritative tone.
Rorik turned to his men. "You all come with me while we search for Kieran in other parts of these woods."
"Understood," said several of the knights.
The group disbursed, following the lead of Knight-Commander Rorik.
"You actually managed to make them all go, Kieran," said Utorg, stunned.
"Surprised? You shouldn't be. It wasn't easy. Most Searcors couldn't manipulate the mind of someone like Rorik."
"But you managed to do it! You clever son of a bitch."
"It's all from years of practice and control over my powers. This is our chance now. Let's go."
Utorg and Kieran raced away from their hiding place and nearly tripped over the rooted ground into the large forest. As they ran, the two of them heard unrest in the distance as they progressed into the woods. Kieran listened closer, faintly making out noisy yelling.
"Can you hear that, Utorg?" asked Kieran.
"Barely. All I hear is sounds of yelling coming from the distance. Can you?"
"Not much better than you, for the most part. We have to be nearing Brookshire."
"I wonder what it's about."
"I don't know, but we should check it out."
As the man and orc exited the forest and came into the village, both could see large pockets of the villagers leaving their houses and heading into the town center. They followed the villagers until they saw a large crowd of townsfolk gathered in an open space, certain anxiety coursing through the gathering.
Beyond the crowd of villagers, Kieran could see several guards lined up next to each other on horseback in front of the large mob. Each was covered from head to toe in plate armor. Among the guards were several searcor hunters who were also mounted on their horses. They stared into the sweeping crowd.
"What do you think is going on here?" asked Kieran.
"I don't know, but it can't be anything good with all the guards here."
"Kieran," said a voice in the crowd.
Fenyl made his way carefully through the ocean of townspeople before he reached Kieran and Utorg.
"Fenyl," said Kieran. "What's going on?"
"Can you tell us what this village meeting is about? The looks in the crowd makes me think this is a searcor hunt," said Utorg as he stared over at Fenyl.
"As far as I know, the village meeting is about King Arturion and his brother," said Fenyl.
"What about them?" asked Kieran.
"Apparently, King Arturion died last night."
Kieran shook his head before his eyes grew wide. "What?"
"Yes, and apparently, the act was committed by a member of the Order of Drakkun. He summoned a dragon to attack him in his castle. At least that's what the guards have told us so far," said Fenyl.
Kieran's heart nearly stopped in his chest as his ears perked up.
"Hogwash," said Utorg. "That can't be true."
"Even if it were true, Fenyl, where was Theron at when his brother was being attacked?" Kieran added.
"I don't know. All I know is that King Arturion perished in the attack on Andross."
"How bad were the damages to the city?" asked Utorg.
"Devastating. The dragon that invaded the city destroyed many homes and the king's castle."
"It doesn't add up. Theron is conveniently safe while his brother is dead," said Kieran.
"Listen, and you'll hear it for yourself," said Fenyl.
They turned to the knight and listened as he spoke to the crowd.
"As we've said before, there have been some changes your new king feels you, his people, should be aware of. As of today, your new king, King Theron, has ordered changes be made to the Tower of Searcor as well as the Order of Drakkun."
The crowd of villagers was silent as they listened to the guards.
"All Braisen citizens discovered to possess mystic energy must be immediately sent to the Tower of Searcors where they will remain for the length of their natural-born lives under their service. All Searcors and mystics found using mystical energy outside of the Tower will face death. Moreover, the Order of Drakkun has been called to be dissolved effective immediately. King Theron has commanded for the tribal elves living in the Hisarii Forest to move further away from their pre-proposed land. This is a direct order by the king to ensure human dominance over the kingdom of Braisen. Let it be known that the king's army shall now handle all matters related to dragon attacks. The official word from King Theron is that there had been an attack orchestrated by one of the Order of Drakkun's members who, together with a dragon, killed King Arturion."
A stunned hush fell over the crowd as the villagers listened to all of this with shock. Soon, whispers broke out.
"A dragon attacked Andross?" a villager asked.
"The Order of Drakkun couldn't have done this. They'd never murder King Arturion," said another.
"The attack from the Order has severely damaged the king's castle. As well as much of the homes of the citizens living in Andross. Reconstruction shall commence today, effective immediately by order of King Theron. For their crime in the attack, the Order of Drakkun's members shall all be executed, and its Order dissolved. With that, the Order's history will forever be erased from the memory of Braisen and its people," said the knight.
"What? This isn't right. The king can't do this! Something isn't right!" shouted a man.
"Something isn't right! Where was Theron during this attack?" asked a woman.
Fenyl shook his head in disdain. "Can you believe this, Kieran? The Order of Drakkun and the Tower of Searcor have been the main groups of Aesorin since its founding."
"I don't believe what Theron says. It's unlike the Order to attack King Arturion at his home," said Kieran.
"This is going to be bad. King Theron has gone utterly insane," said Utorg
They turned their attention to a soldier as he continued addressing the crowd. "Your new king has spoken. He's made his decision, and he stands firmly by it."
The guards rode off, followed by the searcor hunters.
"I've got to get back home," said Kieran. "Sarah and Evelyn aren't safe there. We have to go."
All three men scurried out of the large crowd before making their way through the Brightwood Forest that separated Kieran's home from Brookshire. A sight of a timber house in the near distance with black smoke swirling from its chimney came into focus.
"Sarah? Sarah!" cried out Kieran as he burst through the front door.
"What is it, Kieran?" asked Sarah, who walked from the kitchen carrying their daughter, Evelyn.
"Sarah, we have to go. It isn't safe being around the village anymore."
She carefully placed Evelyn down on the floor. "Then we should leave at once."
Kieran nodded his head. "I agree."
Kieran took the lead in leaving the house, followed closely by Sarah, Utorg, and Fenyl. They started traveling through the deep Brightwood Forest. As the group carefully trekked in the wilderness, their footsteps left imprints in the ground.
Kieran winced at the leaves crackling through his black boots. "Damn leaves," he said.
"I'm scared they're going to find us," said Sarah.
"We just have to be as quiet as we can," said Utorg.
As the party continued with their journey, Kieran could hear galloping nearby. Goosebumps flushed every fragment of his body. Images of himself and the others getting stopped by searcor hunters flashed through his mind, progressing to him being arrested and taken away.
"Kieran, I think you need to tend to your wife. She's slowing down," said Fenyl.
Kieran shook his head before he stopped walking. He went over to his wife. As he approached her, Kieran could see the sweat dripping down her face. She was breathing hard and harshly, fear suffused into her every breath. He carefully placed his hand over her chest to feel her heart racing. Kieran then noticed her massively swollen stomach.
"How are you and the baby? You look tired," said Kieran.
"It doesn't matter. We must keep moving, or we'll be discovered," said Sarah.
"We can't risk the safety of you and the baby."
Kieran carefully removed his necklace before placing it around Sarah's neck. "I want you to give this to our child. I have just had some ominous visions, and I'm afraid that I won't be around to give it to him."
Sarah looked down at the fanged necklace sitting around her smooth neck. She clutched it in her left hand, feeling its rough surface. She then looked up at Kieran. "You're really giving me your Black Scaled High Dragon necklace?"
"Yes, I'm trusting it with you. Give it to our son when the time comes."
Kieran looked at the dangling curved dragon tooth hanging from a string on Sarah's neck. "Tell our son to hold on to that necklace. Let him know that through that necklace, I'll always be with him."
"I will, Kieran. I promise."
Kieran could hear the galloping noises getting closer. Before he could react, several searcor hunters came into view. They crowded around Kieran and his companions, led by Knight-Commander Rorik.
"Kieran, you're under arrest," said Commander Rorik.
"How did you find me? And under what charges am I being arrested?"
"Don't be a fool. I tracked your power signature. I knew you were still in the Brightwood Forest. You're being charged with accessory to killing the king, conspiring against the king, being a searcor outside of the Tower, and having ties to the Order of Drakkun's attack on the king's castle."
"You have it all wrong. My husband is completely innocent of these crimes you're trying to pin on him," said Sarah.
"King Theron dispatched us to come and retrieve you whereafter he'll decide your fate."
"This is outrageous! I haven't done anything. Surely the king can see reason, can't he?" asked Kieran.
"You can come with us quietly, or this can get very unpleasant," said Commander Rorik.
"Fine, I'll go with you. I still maintain my innocence, but I won't fight you."
"Kieran, please, you can't go. We're about to have a baby! Evelyn needs you. The baby needs you. I need you. There has to be a way to fight this."
"It's alright, Sarah. I'll be fine. I need you to be strong while I'm gone. For me, for Evelyn, and for our baby."
Kieran turned his head over toward Fenyl and Utorg. "Please, take care of my family while I'm gone. I have no one else I can trust beyond you two. Remember, give Amere the necklace when he's older. He'll come looking for me; he'll come looking for the truth," said Kieran before several of the searcor hunters grabbed him and began leading him away from his family and friends.
"We will, Kieran. We promise," replied Fenyl.
Sarah began to sob as she watched the guards take her husband away.
"Utorg, I think it'd be best if I took up farming to raise extra money for the children's upbringing."
Utorg raised one of his eyebrows. "Farming? Are you saying you're abandoning the Red Skull Marauders? We've already lost Kieran."
"Yes, I am. I think it'd be better if I took up my race's old tradition to get us some extra gold."
"Greigut will have your neck. You're one of our best operatives in all of Brookshire. You know you can't leave so easily, Fenyl."
"Well, it's what I've decided to do, and I'm sticking to it. Greigut will have to understand."
Fenyl turned to Sarah as she cried. "Sarah, don't cry. Kieran will be fine. He's made the decision he has for your family."
Hot tears fell down Sarah's cheeks and dripped off her chin. She had her eyes tightly closed while her face began to turn bright pink.
"Fenyl, do you think we should tell the children about their father's dealings with the Order of Drakkun or the Tower?" asked Utorg.
"No, that could endanger them and have the king's men looking for Kieran's children before their time. Let them have normal lives growing up. If they ask about their father, deny that he was ever a part of anything other than the Red Skull Marauders. If Amere ever grows up and asks you about where the necklace came from, just tell him his father got extremely lucky and found it during his travels."
"A long, unknown road lies ahead for his children. Do you believe they'll be safe with us?"
"I'd like to hope so. Regardless, we have to try. We owe it to Kieran to protect them and his wife."

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