Chapter Seven

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Leaving out of the Great Hall of the castle, Amere and the butler traversed up the long staircase that led up to the castle's Throne Room where the king awaited them. As they walked, Amere couldn't help but notice how long of a walk it was getting to the top of the castle. With his feet constantly moving, the trip felt endless.

On the way, he found many other routes of travel through the large structure that would lead them to other parts of the castle. It was quiet on the trip up the staircase with the only sounds Amere could hear were the sounds of his own feet creaking through the stairs.

Once reaching the top of the castle, Amere could see a very large room with numerous chandeliers scattered across the area that hung from the ceiling. All of them were lit that illuminated the whole room, making it glow with brightness.

A scarlet rug ran down from the throne to the center of the room that looped back. Further down, a towering, noble throne of onyx sat in front of a large painting of the kingdom hung from the wall in the back. The throne was covered in holy emblems and fixed on each of the wide armrests were lavish designs. The throne also sat in front of windows radiating light onto the throne and is adjoined by two similar, but undecorated seats for the king's trustees.

"We're almost to the king. He's waiting for you. King Theron is straight down the throne room," said the butler.

"I should go to him then," said Amere as he began walking down the Throne Room towards the king.

As Amere looked on, he saw a man with long, straight, shoulder length black hair wearing a crown on his head. There were many jewels encased in his crown. The man had fair colored skin with blue eyes. He also had a long black beard that reached down his face.

"King Theron," said Amere quietly to himself as he approached the king.

King Theron wore a heavy suit of blue plated armor that covered his body. The armored gear shone in the light as beams bounced off it. Behind him, Theron wore a long red cape that draped down his back.

Amere saw Theron watch him approach him as he stood resting in his throne.

"Amere, you've finally arrived at my castle. I welcome you," said King Theron.

Amere bowed. "It's a pleasure meeting you, My Lord," he said.

"I'm sure you're wondering what brings you to my home today."

"Yes, My Lord, I am curious. Hopefully it's nothing bad."

"Before we get into our real discussion, I'd like to learn a little bit about you."

"There's nothing really special about me, My Lord. I'm a simple villager from Brookshire."

"Nonsense. There's always something interesting about everyone in the kingdom, much less, the world."

"Well, I'm seventeen and I live with my two guardians, Utorg and Fenyl. I also have a sister named Evelyn."

"I see. And what is it that you do for a living?"

Amere froze at the question. He wasn't expecting the king to ask him what he did for a living. He didn't want to say too much out of fear of what the king may do if he finds out, but another part of him knew that he couldn't lie to the king. It wouldn't make matters any better to try lying to him.

"I collect debts from the villagers," he said.

"A debt collector? You don't seem like the sort that collects debts. Tell me, is that what you really do, or is that just a convenient answer you've given me?"

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