Chapter 20

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I just pulled up y/n's house I know she's feeling anxious about being here but thankfully seb is no where to be seen. She offered to get us something to drink and to snack on while I put the movie on so I agreed. The next movie is Thor the dark world at least she gets to see more of her favourite man Tom Hiddleston. As I paused the movie I heard yelling so I walked out into the upstairs hallway to see what was going on and most importantly to check she was okay.

"I'm sick of you pretending you're a saint like you haven't been madly in love with Lizzie this entire time!" I heard seb scream. Did I hear that right? No I couldn't have all I know is I need to get out of here.

I quickly made my way downstairs and saw seb staring at y/n with wide eyes once he saw me; I'm guessing he had no clue I was here. "Uh I have to go Robbie Is wondering where I am." Was the only excuse that came to mind, I saw her head hang in defeat and my heart broke. All I want is for her to look at me but she can't, she won't and I can't do this not now not ever; I'm with Robbie. "Yeah I'll see you later liz." She almost whispered as sebs eyes remained plastered on her. Why couldn't he just keep his big mouth shut. The big idiot.

I grabbed my coat and rushed out of the door as quick as I could as I got in the car I let all my frustration out on the steering wheel. I hit it a few times before I got all my anger out and drove home.

When I walked through the door I saw Robbie sat on the sofa in the living room. "Hey where have you been?" He questioned. "Oh I just went shopping." I lied. "Where's the bags?" "Oh I didn't see anything I wanted." I figured he probably thought I was lying I always buy something even if it's just something small or even something for dinner. I made my way to the bath room and splashed some water on my face hoping somehow it would wash away all my problems but it's not that simple is it. I felt my phone vibrating and saw the messages from her.

Rockstar 🎸
I don't know if you heard what Sebastian said but it isn't true.
Can we just talk?

Her head must be spiralling right now I've got to reply she at least deserves that.

Olsen 💚
Heard? I didn't hear anything and what would we need to talk about? We're fine aren't we?

Not even a minute later she replied.

Rockstar 🎸
Yeah yeah we're good.

We are most definitely not good how am I going to manage being in the same room as her I need a distraction so I'm going to ask Scarlett out for drinks, I need someone to talk to and she's probably the only person I know I can trust to keep this a secret.

I rang Scarlett and luckily she didn't take too long to answer. "Hey scar are you busy? Somethings happened and you're the only person I can trust with talking about it." "Of course I'm free now?" "I'll meet you at the cafe we usually go to?" "I'll see you in 10." "Bye scar." I ended the call before walking downstairs to tell Robbie I'm going out.

"Hey I'm going to meet Scarlett I'll be back in an hour or so." "Are you really going to meet Scarlett or is it an excuse to go see y/n?" He asked getting slightly angry. "What's that supposed to mean?" "I don't know Elizabeth expect from the fact you lied to me. You said you went shopping right?" "I did I just didn't want anything so I didn't buy anything what's the big deal?" I reply annoyed. "Then why is her motorbike in the fucking drive way?!" He yelled punching the sofa arm. Shit her fucking bike I forgot about that. "Yeah she came with me." Was all I could think of. "Are you cheating on me with her?" "No I wouldn't cheat on you what the hell robbie?" "Well do you blame me? You spend all your free time with her I barely see you anymore and don't think I don't see all your sly movements I saw you holding each other's hand the other night but I let it slide but now you're lying to spend time with her how can I not think that?" Shit. "I'm not lying to spend time with her look." I yell shoving my phone in his face. "See I just called Scarlett we're going to the cafe you can come if you want? Fuck." I sigh rubbing my hands through my hair. "I don't want you to see her anymore." "You can't ask me to do that!" I yell. How the fuck can he ask me not to see her again she's my best friend. "I just did it's me or her liz!" He yelled getting up in my face. "Fine!" I scream back. why the fuck did I say that?... He sighed and kissed my cheek. "Good I love you." "Yeah love you too."

I got in my car feeling like a total dick with everything she's going through and now I can't even see her it's going to break her heart. And mine.

I finally got to the cafe and scar was already sat at our normal booth. "So what the hells going on?" She questioned as I took the seat across from her. "It's a long story so I'll just tell you the main bits, so you know y/n right sebs sister?" "Yeah what about her?" "Well I like her and I think I like her as more than a friend she started going on dates with Brie and I got so jealous I didn't even realise until after. Brie then ended up kissing seb. Don't ask me why becuase I have no clue and y/n then came over last night and I just couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted her but I'm with Robbie what the fuck is wrong with me? And now Robbie doesn't want me to see her anymore but I can't blame him." I rant. "Oh wow." "Yeah I don't know what to do." "I can't tell you what do liz." She smiled softly. "At least give me a hint." I plead as she laughs. "I can't it's not my place but chose who ever makes you happy." "Robbie makes me happy." "Does he?" "Yeah!" I feel like I'm trying to convince myself more than her and she just smirks. "Whatever." I laugh. "I've left rose with the baby sitter so I have to get back but maybe you should spend time away from both of them and see who you miss more?" She suggests. "I live with Robbie how am I meant to do that?" I laugh. "Can't you go stay with your sisters?" "We're filming I can't just leave in the middle of filming." "You could stay at mine?" "I don't know scar I think Robbie would think I'm at y/n's he's already suspicious." "Just for the weekend tell him you're having a girls weekend because technically you are." "Okay fine I'll see you later then?" "Of course bye liz." "Bye scar."

I made my way home dreading the conversation with Robbie I know for a fact he won't let me go. Once I walked through the door Robbie was still sat on the sofa. "Hey baby." He greeted. "Hey I'm going to stay at scarletts for the weekend she wants a girls weekend since we haven't spent much time together lately." "Is y/n going to be there?" He snapped. "No just me and scar." "Okay I'm trusting you." He sighed. "That's all I ask." I reply before walking upstairs to pack my bag.

Once my bag was packed I made my way downstairs. "Hey baby I'm going to go I'll see you Sunday." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "Okay baby I love you." He replied kissing my lips gently. "I love you too baby." I reply as we break apart. I pick my bag up and walk out the door. I finally got in my car and all I could think about was y/n.

I love Robbie so much so hey is it so hard to pick him?

A/n: this is the first chapter I've done that's all Lizzie's POV I liked doing someone else's perspective. Is there any other povs you would like to see in the future?

Today question is what kind of things do you want to see in this book apart from the obvious. (Y/n and Lizzie getting together 😂) big or small if it goes with the main story I have planned then I'll add it in. Have a good rest of the day ❤️.

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